A Zen appreciation of Christmas

A Zen appreciation of Christmas December 25, 2024

I preached this reflection on the nature of Christmas two years ago at the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles.

Some friends have taken to reposting this reflection on social media. At first I was a little surprised. Then I watched it for the first time in those two years. And I thought I might join in…


The image is from Sartain’s Magazine, circa 1860. A creative imagining of Martin Luther and family at Christmas…

About James Ishmael Ford
James Ishmael Ford's sixth book "The Intimate Way of Zen: Effort, Surrender, and Awakening on the Spiritual Journey" was published by Shambhala Publications. It's available from the publisher, your local bookstore, or via any of the online vendors. You can read more about the author here.
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