Patheos Featured Writers

Ben Spackman
Managing Editor, Mormon Portal
Before receiving his BA in Near Eastern Studies from BYU in 2001, Ben Spackman spent a semester in Jerusalem, where he studied Judaism, Islam, and Christianity . He received a MA and did further work towards a PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago, focusing on philology and Semitic languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic. During his graduate summers, he taught New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Biblical Hebrew at BYU. He has taught various courses in a volunteer capacity for the LDS Church Education System since 2003. Ben has lived in Canada, Minnesota, Utah, Jerusalem, Chicago, France, and Brooklyn.
Works by Ben Spackman
Theological Twinkies and our Spiritual Diet
Ben Spackman | August 12, 2019
Covenant and law, grace, works, and faith.
Ben Spackman | July 30, 2019
Ben Spackman | June 13, 2019
On Hiatus until June
Ben Spackman | March 10, 2019
News and updates!
Ben Spackman | January 30, 2019
A Sacrament Meeting Sermon on Forgiveness
Ben Spackman | January 28, 2019
NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 3: Luke 2, Matthew 2
Ben Spackman | January 19, 2019
NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 2: Matthew 1, Luke 1
Ben Spackman | January 19, 2019
New Testament Gospel Doctrine Resources, Part 3:...
Ben Spackman | December 29, 2018
A Reminiscence on a Missionary Christmas
Ben Spackman | December 25, 2018
Reformation Readings for Reformation Day (Oct 31)
Ben Spackman | October 30, 2018
"You either believe the scriptures or you don't"
Ben Spackman | October 27, 2018
The Future Faith of Our Seminary Students
Ben Spackman | October 01, 2018
Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 36: Isaiah 1-6
Ben Spackman | September 09, 2018
Gearing Up For Isaiah
Ben Spackman | September 06, 2018
Genesis and Evolution: A BYU Guest Lecture
Ben Spackman | September 03, 2018
Old Testament Gospel Doctrine lesson 34: Hosea
Ben Spackman | August 15, 2018
Some quick and short book notes
Ben Spackman | August 10, 2018
A second blog update, and podcast
Ben Spackman | June 29, 2018
News and blog updates!
Ben Spackman | May 13, 2018
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 15: Numbers 11-14, 21
Ben Spackman | May 05, 2018
What Prophets Know: A Short Follow-up
Ben Spackman | May 04, 2018
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 14- Exodus 15-20, 32-34.
Ben Spackman | April 07, 2018
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 12: Genesis 40 onwards
Ben Spackman | March 24, 2018
Fourth Sunday Lessons: Some Thoughts and Resources
Ben Spackman | February 07, 2018
Genesis 2-3, a New Kinda "Translation"
Ben Spackman | January 18, 2018
The Non-Clickbait Follow-up on Genesis 1
Ben Spackman | January 09, 2018
Old Testament Resources Part 4: History and Culture
Ben Spackman | December 27, 2017
A Christmas Plug
Ben Spackman | December 21, 2017
Old Testament Resources Part 3: Paradigm Changers...
Ben Spackman | December 07, 2017
Fireside books and references
Ben Spackman | October 25, 2017
Evolution and the Fall
Ben Spackman | August 28, 2017
On Elder Hamula
Ben Spackman | August 13, 2017
FairMormon, Some Papers, and Books
Ben Spackman | August 04, 2017
Announcement: MI Seminar Conference on Thursday
Ben Spackman | August 02, 2017
Kenton Sparks on Genre
Ben Spackman | July 30, 2017
Podcast post
Ben Spackman | July 19, 2017
Listening to History, Science, and Evolution
Ben Spackman | July 01, 2017
10 Things for Understanding the Old Testament
Ben Spackman | May 21, 2017
May 4th is Not Just Star Wars Day...
Ben Spackman | May 04, 2017
Carpe Diem: Two Book Sales
Ben Spackman | April 09, 2017
Free Book! and It's a Good One!
Ben Spackman | April 01, 2017
A Bit of News
Ben Spackman | March 23, 2017
My Contribution to the SMPT Conference at Claremont
Ben Spackman | February 22, 2017
The Complexities of History in The Ensign
Ben Spackman | February 16, 2017
How to Use Greek and Hebrew: New and Improved
Ben Spackman | February 11, 2017
Transitional Mormonism and Tradition: Part 1
Ben Spackman | February 01, 2017
Mormon Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It?
Ben Spackman | January 12, 2017
The Blog in the Coming Year and D&C
Ben Spackman | December 27, 2016
Santa Claus is Canaanite! Really.
Ben Spackman | December 21, 2016
New/Forthcoming books of Interest
Ben Spackman | December 01, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 45-46: Ether
Ben Spackman | November 27, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 43-44: Mormon 1-9
Ben Spackman | November 26, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 42: 4 Nephi
Ben Spackman | November 12, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 41: 3Ne 22-26
Ben Spackman | November 06, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 39: 3Ne 17-19
Ben Spackman | October 27, 2016
An update and book preview
Ben Spackman | October 16, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 38: 3Nephi 12-15
Ben Spackman | October 08, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 37: 3Ne 8-10
Ben Spackman | September 25, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 36: 3 Nephi1-7
Ben Spackman | September 25, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 35: Helaman 13-16
Ben Spackman | September 17, 2016
Brigham Young, Studying Evil, and Living in a Bubble
Ben Spackman | September 12, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 34: Helaman 6-12
Ben Spackman | September 11, 2016
Books, Homes, and Al-Jahiz
Ben Spackman | September 09, 2016
David O. McKay, Genesis, and Evolution: Part 2.
Ben Spackman | August 03, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 28: Alma 32-34
Ben Spackman | July 24, 2016
A Testimony Meeting Experiment
Ben Spackman | July 17, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 27: Alma 30-31
Ben Spackman | July 17, 2016
New Testament Conference Announcement
Ben Spackman | July 13, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 26: Alma 23-29
Ben Spackman | July 10, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 24: Alma 13-16
Ben Spackman | July 03, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 23: Alma 8-12
Ben Spackman | July 02, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 22: Alma 5-7
Ben Spackman | June 25, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 19: Mosiah 18-24
Ben Spackman | May 22, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 18: Mosiah 12-17
Ben Spackman | May 15, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 17: Mosiah 7-11
Ben Spackman | May 08, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 16: Mosiah 4-6
Ben Spackman | April 30, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 15: Mosiah 1-3
Ben Spackman | April 24, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 13: Jacob 5-7
Ben Spackman | March 27, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 12: Jacob 1-4
Ben Spackman | March 19, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 11: 2Ne 31-33
Ben Spackman | March 19, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 10: 2Ne 26-30
Ben Spackman | March 13, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 9: 2Ne 11-25
Ben Spackman | March 06, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 8: 2Ne 6-10
Ben Spackman | February 20, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 7: 2 Nephi 3-5
Ben Spackman | February 14, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 6: 2 Nephi 1-2
Ben Spackman | February 05, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 5: 1 Nephi 16-18
Ben Spackman | January 31, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 4: 1 Nephi 13-14
Ben Spackman | January 23, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 3: 1 Nephi 8-12, 15
Ben Spackman | January 16, 2016
BoM Gospel Doctrine Lesson 2: 1 Nephi 1-7
Ben Spackman | January 03, 2016
NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 44: 1-3 John
Ben Spackman | December 06, 2015
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 42- James (updated)
Ben Spackman | November 08, 2015
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 41- 1&2 Timothy, Titus
Ben Spackman | November 08, 2015
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 39: Ephesians (updated)
Ben Spackman | October 25, 2015
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 38: Acts 21-28
Ben Spackman | October 22, 2015
SMPT Conference at BYU: Alma 32
Ben Spackman | October 10, 2015
New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 37: Hebrews
Ben Spackman | September 27, 2015
New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 36: Romans
Ben Spackman | September 19, 2015
New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 29: Acts 6-9
Ben Spackman | August 07, 2015
NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 13: Matthew 14:21-17:9
Ben Spackman | April 19, 2015
How I Taught Lesson 12
Ben Spackman | March 27, 2015
NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 12: John 5-6
Ben Spackman | March 22, 2015
NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 9: Matthew 6-7
Ben Spackman | February 28, 2015
NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 8: Matthew 5
Ben Spackman | February 20, 2015
NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 7: Mark 2:1-12
Ben Spackman | February 14, 2015
NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 6:
Ben Spackman | February 08, 2015
NT Gospel Doctrine Lesson 5: John 3-4
Ben Spackman | January 31, 2015
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 46: Daniel 2
Ben Spackman | December 13, 2014
Recommended NT Resources Part 3
Ben Spackman | November 28, 2014
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 44: Ezekiel 43, 44, 47
Ben Spackman | November 26, 2014
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 40- Isaiah 54-56, 63-65
Ben Spackman | November 01, 2014
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 32- Job
Ben Spackman | August 23, 2014
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 28- 1 Kings 17-19
Ben Spackman | July 26, 2014
The State of the Blog: A Quasi-Important Post
Ben Spackman | July 16, 2014
A Song and a Psalm for the Sabbath: Psalm 51
Ben Spackman | June 20, 2014
Gospel Doctrine Lesson 22: 1 Samuel 9-17
Ben Spackman | June 07, 2014
Gospel Doctrine 17: Deuteronomy
Ben Spackman | May 04, 2014
Gospel Doctrine Lessons 14, 15: Podcasts!
Ben Spackman | April 18, 2014
A Follow-Up to Abraham and Isaac
Ben Spackman | March 06, 2014
Quick Follow-up to Lesson 6 and the Flood
Ben Spackman | February 09, 2014
Email Subscription Option and Various
Ben Spackman | January 20, 2014
Welcome and Intro!
Ben Spackman | January 08, 2014
Ben Spackman | January 01, 2010
Ben Spackman | January 01, 2010