I. General, Introductory, & Miscellaneous
III. Bible and Tradition / Canon of the Bible
IV. Ecclesiology
V. Ecumenism
VI. Eschatology (Last Things and Afterlife)
VII. Eucharist and Sacrifice of the Mass
VIII. God, Theology and Doctrine of
IX. Inquisition, Capital Punishment, and Religious Liberty
X. Liturgy / The Mass
XI. Mary: The Blessed Virgin
XII. St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
XIII. Orthodoxy, Eastern
XIV. The Papacy
XV. Protestantism
XVI. Purgatory
XVII. Saints, Communion of
XVIII. Soteriology (Theology of Salvation)
XIX. Usury
I. General, Introductory, & Miscellaneous
III. Bible and Tradition / Canon of the Bible
IV. Ecclesiology
V. Ecumenism
VI. Eschatology (Last Things and Afterlife)
Jewish and Old Testament Views of Hell and Eternal Punishment [4-14-04]
James Swan is Clueless Re Purgatory & Development [7-5-24]
VII. Eucharist and Sacrifice of the Mass
VIII. God, Theology and Doctrine of
IX. Inquisition, Capital Punishment, and Religious Liberty
X. Liturgy / The Mass
XI. Mary: The Blessed Virgin
XII. St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
Vatican I on Papal Infallibility: “Ultramontanism”? [3-29-04]
Cardinal Newman’s Philosophical & Epistemological Commitments [10-19-04]
Absurd Anti-Newman Rhetoric in Anti-Catholic Polemics [3-19-02 and 9-27-05]
Cdl. Newman, Vatican I & II, & Papal Infallibility (Clarification) [12-10-05]
The Certitude of Faith According to Cardinal Newman [9-30-08]
Newman on Theological Liberalism (Tracts of the Times No. 73) [3-5-11]
Anglican Newman on the Falsity of Perspicuity (Clearness) of Scripture [3-7-11]
John Henry Newman on Papal Infallibility Prior to 1870 (Classic Anti-Catholic Lies: George Salmon, James White, David T. King et al) [8-11-11]
The Quotable Newman (Dave Armstrong): Foreword by Joseph Pearce [9-5-12]
Books by Dave Armstrong: The Quotable Newman (2012) [10-12-12]
Dialogue on Newman’s Kingsley / Apologia Controversy [11-30-12]
Books by Dave Armstrong: The Quotable Newman, Vol. II [8-20-13]
The Quotable Newman (Vol. I, II): Complete Index of Correspondents [8-20-13]
Books by Dave Armstrong: Cardinal Newman: Q & A in Theology, Church History, and Conversion [2-24-15]
Cardinal Newman’s Conversion Odyssey, in His Own Words (1839-1845) [3-19-15]
St. John Henry Newman on Catholic Mariology [May 2015]
Introduction to my book: Cardinal Newman: Q & A in Theology, Church History, & Conversion [5-23-15]
Blessed Cardinal Newman on Mary’s Immaculate Conception [2015]
Implicit (Extra-Empirical) Faith, According to JH Newman [12-18-15]
Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman: “Father” of Vatican II (Old Links Page) [4-18-16]
Armstrong vs. Collins & Walls #1: Newman’s Mariology [10-17-17]
The “High”, Glorious Mariology of Cardinal Newman (Foreword to The Mariology of Cardinal Newman, by Rev. Francis J. Friedel) [4-11-19]
Dr. Echeverria: Francis Wants Development, Not Revolution [5-28-19]
Kwasniewski vs. Cdl. Newman Re Pope- & Council-Bashing [12-3-20]
Cardinal Newman on Catholic Conversion & Converts [11-19-20]
St. John Henry Cardinal Newman on Apologetics [11-19-20]
Irish Ecclesiastical Record vs. Anti-Catholic George Salmon, Pt. 2 . . . In Which Dr. Salmon Accuses Cardinal Newman of Lying Through His Teeth in His Essay on Development, & Dr. Murphy Magnificently Defends Infallibility and Doctrinal Development Against Gross Caricature [3-12-23]
Irish Ecclesiastical Record vs. Anti-Catholic George Salmon, Pt. 3 . . . In Which Our Sophist-Critic Massively Misrepresents Cardinal Newman and Utterly Misunderstands the Distinction Between Implicit and Explicit Faith [3-12-23]
Irish Ecclesiastical Record vs. Anti-Catholic George Salmon, Pt. 4 . . . in which Dr. Salmon Sadly Reveals Himself to be a Hyper-Rationalistic Pelagian Heretic, and Engages in Yet More Misrepresentation of Development of Doctrine and Cardinal Newman’s Statements and Positions [3-15-23]
Bp. Butler’s Refutation of Anti-Catholic George Salmon, Pt. 1: Doctrinal Development; St. Cardinal Newman’s Views on Papal Infallibility & the Immaculate Conception; St. Irenaeus & Tradition [3-22-23]
Newman on Infallibility & Vatican I (vs. One Peter Five) [Catholic365, 11-24-23]
Newman & Early Church Papal Infallibility & Supremacy (Reply to Jordan Cooper’s Miscomprehensions of St. Cardinal Newman’s Views on the Development of the Papacy & the 1870 Dogma) [Part I] [1-2-25]
Reply to Jordan Cooper on Newman & Development [Part II] [1-2-25]
Visiting G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and John Henry Newman: An England Pilgrimage (Photos) [extraordinary web page by Brandon Vogt]
National Institute for Newman Studies: Digital Collections Newman Reader (virtually all Cardinal Newman books for free in nice HTML format)
XIII. Orthodoxy, Eastern
XIV. The Papacy
XV. Protestantism
XVI. Purgatory
XVII. Saints, Communion of
Veneration of Saints and Its Doctrinal Development: Dialogue with an Inquiring Baptist [12-1-08]
XVIII. Soteriology (Theology of Salvation)
XIX. Usury
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Last updated on 2 January 2025