As of today, we have completed the first week of President Trump’s first week back in office. I want to relook at the president’s promise to save America on day one. The president made a lot of promises on how he would save America.
- End all wars before taking office.
- Lower energy prices (gas and oil)
- Stop inflation and lower grocery prices
So let’s look at what the American savior has accomplished in his first week on the job. Not only have wars continued in the Middle East and in Europe, gas prices for the week were actually up over the previous week and the same time last year.

Despite threats to Russia, the war between Ukraine and the superpower continues. Even before taking office, President Trump admitted he wasn’t sure if he could lower inflation and cut grocery prices.
Furthermore, egg prices soared to an all-time high this week due to an avian flu outbreak that has crippled America’s poultry industry which many Americans are unaware of since President Trump also halted all health communications from America’s organizations.
President Trump and Maga have forgotten a basic Christian teaching, only God can save us because we live in a fallen world that is desperate for a divine Savior (John 3:16-18, Acts 4:6-12.)
What is a Savior
Since the fall in the garden, this world has been corrupt and in need of a Savior (Genesis 3:4-24,) if left to ourselves we are doomed and in desperate need of a Savior. A Savior is defined as, “One who saves from danger or destruction; a source of salvation.”

According to the book of Genesis for the last 6000 years, the earth has only become worse. The Bible is clear that in the last days, evil and hardship, and injustice will get worse (2 Timothy 3:1-17, 2 Peter 3:3-4, Revelation 3:10.)
God’s people have always been in danger since we live in a world that isn’t our home, we are foreigners in a hostile land (Hebrews 11:13, 1 Peter 2:11.) In this earthly kingdom we are exiles and stranded sheep who are in need of a shepherd and a Savior (John 10:1-42, Hebrews 13:20.)
God promised to be with His people and to protect them (Romans 8:31, 2 Thessalonians 3:3, 1 Peter 5:7.) We cannot save ourselves or defend ourselves from the world (Romans 8:35-39, 2 Corinthians 1:8-10; 4:8-10, Philippians 4:6-7.) The Apostle Paul remembered his Jewish education about our need for a Savior.
After the fall nature and man were cursed and sin entered the world (Genesis 3:1-24.) God promised to send a Savior to His creation to defeat Satan and death (Genesis 3:15.) Both humanity and nature need a Savior.
The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for Savior is moshia’ and it can also mean “Deliverer or rescuer,” depending upon the context it is used in. This is one of the two Hebrew words that the term Messiah is rooted in: mashah (to anoint), and yᵊšaʿyâ (rescue or deliver.)
After God rescued Israel from Egypt, He set his people apart from the fallen creation as part of His plan to redeem all of creation through the prophesied Messiah (Deuteronomy 7:1-6, 1 Kings 8:25, Jeremiah 33:17.) Below are some of the facts about the Jewish Messiah who will save and redeem all of creation.
- A descendent of David
- Human man
- Be a political leader
- Bring peace to the entire world
- He will be a mighty military leader
- Die and conquer death
- Rule over all of humanity
- A perfect teacher of the law
Jesus fulfilled between 200 and 507 prophecies about the Messiah. The birth of Jesus was miraculous and perfectly timed during a dark time for God’s people. The root word for the name Jesus is from Yeshua and it means that God is salvation.

As Jesus grew He taught both in the synagogues in the streets of Israel. He taught His Disciples that He was the only way to God (John 14:6.) The Disciples called Jesus the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29, 1 Peter 1:19.) Jesus is the only name that saves and can bring peace (Acts 4:12, Philippians 2:9-11.)
Despite claiming to be the savior of the world and the only one who could end the war between Russia and Ukraine, this week President Trump called to end sending US aid and military support for Ukraine. Not only has President Trump not ended the war, he has practically guaranteed the defeat of Ukraine.

America and the world have supported Ukraine for almost 4 years in its just fight against the attempted takeover by Russia. God has honored His promise to rescue the broken and oppressed from ruthless oppressors (Psalm 72:14, Isaiah 49:26, 1 Peter 1:18-19.)
God’s people are commanded to stand against the forces of evil, not help them (Ephesians 6:10-13.) If America really is a Christian nation then we must stand up against the evil ways of the world, regardless of who is performing them.
- Deception
- Injustice
- Oppression
- Vengeful
That is why God’s people must put their hope in God only instead of a man or government. This nation and world are only temporary kingdoms. The Bible is clear that both will get much worse in the last days (Matthew 24:42-44, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 3:1-17.) Because we live in a fallen world, only God can be our moshia’.