On Monday, September 25, 2023, I saw a man in the clouds at Adam-ondi-Ahman! I’d set up a camp chair just off the beaten path at Adam-ondi-Ahman’s valley overlook and waited for sunset. I enjoyed the solitude and the chance to soak up the beauty around me. I also became fair game for what seemed like a bazillion tiny, biting bugs. I left my spot for the bug spray in the rental car. When I returned, I sprayed myself and the chair and settled in again.
That’s when I noticed an odd vertical cloud had appeared to the right of the sun. I’d never seen anything like it before! Fixated, I watched it move upward until it broke through the clouds.

6:22 pm
[Patheos automatically compresses images added to the site, so hopefully, the images are still large enough for you to see the figures.]

6:24 pm
As the figure formed above the bright clouds, another much smaller figure formed below the dark clouds.

6:25 pm
A Man in the Clouds at Adam-ondi-Ahman
As it broke through the clouds, it appeared to take a human shape! Astonished, I stood up and moved towards the clouds.

6:26 pn

6:26 pn
I looked around me to see if any of the other visitors saw what I saw, but found myself totally alone. The steady stream of visitors stopped completely and didn’t start again until after the scene was all over.

6:30 pm

I took more pictures, but hopefully, these selected pictures show the progression well enough.

The man in the clouds seemed to stand in this position for 10 minutes. Then his cloud began to shift.

6:37 pm
The yellow and red coloration of the clouds below him surprised me. I turned completely around to find the same coloring in other clouds. No other clouds in the sky held any colors!

6:39 pm
The cloud began to shift again.

I watched a plane begin its ascent and knew it would collide with the cloud figure.

6:45 pm

It did!

This was the cloud formation after sunset.

Right before I’d gone for bug spray, I’d been pondering the following verses about the prophet Lehi’s vision of God on His throne:
And being thus overcome with the Spirit, [Lehi] was carried away in a he thought he in the attitude of singing and praising their God. God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels
, even that he saw the open, andAnd it came to pass that he saw One descending out of the midst of heaven, and he beheld that his
was above that of the sun at noon-day.
I couldn’t image the glory, majesty, and power visually available to Lehi as he beheld that supernal vision! As I walked back to my spot, I wondered, “What would that glorious scene look like to Lehi?”
Then I saw the man in the clouds at Adam-ondi-Ahman and felt like I caught a glimpse.