After 27 weeks of demonstrations and protests against the lopsided most extreme, racist, sexist, homophobic, coalition in the history of modern day Israel – secular and religious, centrist, right and left, young and old, male and female, gay and straight Israelis count the hours before Bibi destroys the heart and soul of Israeli democracy.
Never underestimate the Dark Forces of Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu
Never underestimate the deceptive power of Bibi, never underestimate his silver tongue of lies. He’s been doing it for years, He’s a master of manipulation.
For well over 15 years Bibi has faced and continues to face many potential legal disasters. It started in 1997, when the police recommended he be indicted on charges of corruption for influence-peddling.
At the time, Bibi was accused of appointing an attorney general that would favor him. Due to a lack of evidence, charges were dropped.
In 1999, Bibi faced more scandals when the police recommended he be tried for corruption. This time his hand chosen Attorney General declared there wasn’t enough evidence.
2017, Bibi is formally indicted and officially charged
In early 2017, Bibi is investigated and questioned by the police. He is suspected of obtaining inappropriate favors from businessmen and attempts to manipulate Israeli newspapers for more favorable coverage.
On the 21st of November, 2019 Bibi is formally indicted on charges of fraud, breach of trust, corruption and bribery. He’s then officially charged on the 28th of January 2020. His criminal trials continue. BIBI’S TRIALS AND LEGAL WOES
With the November 2022 election finished, Bibi is given the mandate to pull together a coalition.
During weeks of negotiations with extreme right wing parties with promises of huge financial support plus cabinet ministries, Prime Minister Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu insulates himself from ‘eviction.’
March 2023, Bibi’s coalition passes a bill that prevents the Supreme Court from considering any request to declare the Prime Minister incapable of serving. The new bill states that only the Prime Minister himself or his cabinet with a 2/3rds majority can declare a leader unfit for office.
Never forget what Bibi got away with

July 1995. Bibi rallies Israelis through lies, manipulation, incitement of fear, anger and violence. He leads demonstrations with a fake coffin behind him. The words Oslo and Rabin are clearly written on the coffin.
He parades with a hangman’s noose declaring war on peace and the late Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin. To the dismay of many Israelis, Bibi endorses posters of Rabin dressed in an SS uniform.
November 4, 1955. Right-wing, young religious Sephardic man, Yigal Amir murders Rabin at the end of a massive Peace Rally in Tel Aviv. Amir shoots three bullets into Rabin’s back.
Bibi is never arrested, never interrogated, never indicted for treason or incitement. Many believe Bibi got away with murder.
A Few Highlights of Bibi’s Recent Years in Office
How many Israeli soldiers does it take to detain a 14 year-old Palestinian male?

The above photograph is from December 2017 during the 34th coalition of the modern state of Israel. It’s also known as the ‘Fourth Netanyahu Government’ which was in power from 2015 through 2020.
Published on March 16, 2019 in an article written by Netta Ahituv for Haaretz. ENDLESS TRIP TO HELL, Haaretz
The headline reads: ‘Endless Trip to Hell’: Israel Jails Hundreds of Palestinian Boys a Year…They’re seized in the dead of night, blindfolded and cuffed, abused and manipulated to confess to crimes they didn’t commit. Every year Israel arrests almost 1,000 Palestinian youngsters, some of them not yet 13.
Use this link to see how many Israelis soldiers are needed to beat up a different teenage Palestinian male. HEBRON DECEMBER 2017 SHAMEFUL BEHAVIOR BY THE IDF
The photograph below is typical of how Israeli soldiers are taught to humiliate, intimidate and treat stone-throwing male Palestinian teenagers.

The Murder of Eyad al-Hallaq

Eyad was a 32 year old autistic young man. On the days he attended a special needs facility, Eyad would enter the Old City from Lion’s Gate with his counselor Warda Abu Hadid.
On the day he was shot, a Israeli Border Policeman believed Eyad was a terrorist. The policeman ignored Warda’s shouting to the Police that Eyad was harmless and disabled.
Instead the policeman shot Eyad several times. To Warda, it was a point blank murder.
One year after the shooting, the Israeli policeman is indicted. The indictment read in part: “even though Eyad was on the ground when he was wounded as a result of the initial shooting, had nothing in his hands and had done nothing to justify it [the shooting], the accused fired at Eyad’s upper body, thereby taking an unreasonable risk of causing his death.”
On July 6th, 2023 the Israeli Policeman was acquitted of all charges.
As members of Bibi’s extreme right wing coalition applauded the outcome of the trial, Eyad’s family and friends were outraged. So were many Jewish Israelis.

Saturday, July 8th, two hours before the weekly protest was to commence, Israeli police entered the family’s home demanding to know if anyone in the family intended to participate in the weekly Saturday evening, anti-Bibi demonstrations.
“Since only a handful of activists were aware of the family’s intention to join the protest up until a few hours before it began, they remain unsure as to how the police found out.” (article by Nir Hasson Haaretz) EYAD AL HALLAQ ARTICLE HAARETZ
During the Jerusalem demonstration, Eyad’s sister was invited to memorialize her brother. In his honor, she read a chapter from the Quran in Arabic which was translated into Hebrew
The photograph below is from the Saturday July 8th Pro-Democracy demonstration in Tel Aviv.
In the middle of the demonstration, Jewish Israeli men and women stage a live theatrical performance protesting the acquittal of the unnamed, unidentified Israeli policeman who murdered Eyad al-Hallaq.

Last but not least, Jenin, the West Bank, July 2023
When his back is to the wall, protests a thorn in his side, Bibi needs a distraction, a diversion.
Violence is the name of the game.
It’s the perfect soothing balm to control his unpredictable extremist Ministers and Coalition Partners. And at the same time, as always opposition leaders will jump on board. They too know how much Israelis love a little taste of war.
July 3, 2023
Israeli Defense Forces under the command of Minister of Defense, Yoav ‘bloodthirsty‘ Gallant and his Chief of Staff, Lt. General Herzl ‘a secure dictatorship is better than an unprotected anarchy‘ Halevi, with blessings from Bibi and his cabinet launched “Operation Home and Garden.” It was the largest operation in Jenin in the past 20 years.
The government, along with most of the opposition, endorses the ousting of Palestinians from their homes. Israeli politicians and government leaders support arresting as many Palestinians as possible and hopefully kill off a few terrorists.
Collateral damage includes destroying as much infrastructure as possible. And too bad if there are civilian casualties.
The icing on the cake? If any Israelis are killed, the Prime Minister, Chief of Staff, Minister of Defense and as many politicians as possible will hail the fallen as heroes.
Israelis will beat their chests, rent their clothes.
Mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, grandparents and cousins, friends and fellow soldiers bury the dead. And Bibi’s grand prize is the all too familiar photo ops at funerals and in homes of the mourners.
And it works, it always works in Bibi’s favor. Here it comes that old reliable crooked smirk back on Bibi’s face. He’s got his dancing shoes on!
By the way, since the IDF invasion of Jenin, Bibi’s polling numbers soared against his biggest opponents.
They say a photograph is worth a thousand words. Eight photos, eight thousand words.

When I was originally invited to join the Patheos stable of writers, the focus was to be on Religion and Art. Being one of the few (if only) Israeli blogger(s) living in Jerusalem and witnessing historic events, I was encouraged by my wonderful editor Alan, to move into the world of current events. I’m hoping in the coming weeks to glide back into and focus more on Religion and Art. Until then, I will continue to share moments in Israel, both good and bad.
to be continued….
Bibi’s Dance Around the Grave of Israel, Part II