On this second day of the Week of Prayer for World Peace, we pray for those who find the path forward through reconciliation, not revenge. Elika Mahony offers a beautiful reflection on the words of Abdu’l-Bahá from the Baha’i faith. Abdu’l-Bahá, the son of Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Baha’i faith wrote: When the thought of war comes, oppose it with a stronger thought of peace. Elika responds to his words, “Revenge takes hold of our thoughts and tightens its grip, suffocating us, and separating us. It weakens us and isolates us. But in working for and praying for reconciliation for those at war, for those whose world views do not align, may we find peace.”
Elika uses the teachings of the Baha’i faith and her gift of creating inspirational music coupled with stirring images to uphold the fundamental message of universal and inclusive love. Central to the tenets of the Baha’i faith, her offerings call us to follow the example of those who are ambassadors of international peace and social justice. She considers herself to be a world citizen. Born in the US to Iranian parents, she was raised in Kenya, lived in Israel, and now resides in China. There she produces albums and music videos in which she is the composer, vocalist, pianist, and visual artist. We are honored to have her share her gift of prayer for peace in song and image entitled, The Thought of Peace.
Launching the Week of Prayer for World Peace
On Sunday, October 15 the UK launch of the Week of Prayer began with a meeting via Zoom with the three organizations that collaborated to produce the prayer resources. The Week of Prayer for World Peace committee based in London, The Iona Community based in Scotland, and Alignment: Interfaith Contemplative Practices based in Philadelphia, USA. Rev. Dr. Inderjit Bhogal, founder and president of City of Sanctuary opened the gathering which included an update on the work for peace being done in Burundi by Theo Mbazumutima, the Wilson/Hinkes Peace Award Recipient.
The US launch was highlighted by a live online session of Muslim prayers and chants led by Haleh Liza Gafori. Those gathered to begin the walk through this international and interfaith week of prayer were deeply moved by the open sharing of the Muslim prayers and poems from 13th century Sufi poet Rumi. One theme highlighted was the way in which we can open our hearts to peace through awe and wonder which cultivate love and nurture peace. The power and joy of awe. Haleh captures the beauty of the words that invite us to dissolve ego, to walk in the humility of a humanity that shares one spirit, even amidst the devastation of war.
There’s one spirit in countless bodies,
one oil in countless almonds,
one meaning in countless words
uttered by countless tongues
Shatter the jug. The water is one.
(from Gold: Rumi, translated by Haleh Liza Gafori)
As we watch the horrors of war unfold, Haleh calls us to continue to pray for peace, for what else can we do.

On that first day of the Week of Prayer for World Peace, my day began by opening the first door on the digital prayer platform and singing along with the Jewish prayer that called us not to let fear overwhelm us. And the day closed with Muslim prayers inviting us into the space where the waters of humanity flow as one body. May even simply the experience of praying with, not just for, people of other traditions call us to the walk of peace.
Watch Haleh Liza Gafori’s session of Alignment: https://youtu.be/ltWx3VNwkSU?si=vwZW8dzWzDmAzo_H
n.b. The doors open at midnight US Eastern Time each day of this week with a new prayer. Once a prayer opens, it will remain open to be revisited through the year. Please contact us if you would like the embed code to host the WPWP on your own website.