January 25, 2025

Chances are, you go for a physical check-up every year. But what about a spiritual check-up? From time to time, it makes sense to take a pause—and evaluate yourself and the world around you to be sure you’re living a life that is both addressing your spiritual needs and caring for your soul. There may be no better time to do this than right now, as many of us are sheltering in place as we trudge through the coldest winter... Read more

January 19, 2025

Like a lot of people, I was surprised by the presidential election results last November. How the heck did that happen? But while fearing the worst, I am hoping for the best. Yes, it will be a bumpy ride, but we’ve been down this road before. And I am convinced good people will step up when needed. Why am I so chillaxed? Maybe it’s my semi-regular meditation practice. Or the fact I’m now retired and find myself worrying less about,... Read more

January 10, 2025

Is it too late to say Happy New Year? I know on the tv show Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry David had a statute of limitations on using the phrase “Happy New Year.” This year, the cut-off day was Tuesday, January seventh. But, since the new year still feels fresh to me, I’m going to buck that rule by wishing you a happy and healthy 2025! I’d also like you to consider: What if this was the last year you had... Read more

January 5, 2025

I once wrote a story titled “The Greatest Gift You Can Give Another.” And if you click on that link, you’ll discover that the gift I was talking about is a simple one: the purity of your attention. There’s no better way to show you value others, and make them feel valued, than to be fully present in every conversation and exchange. But I’m now sensing the attention issue is much bigger than that. The problem is our increasing inability... Read more

December 28, 2024

I was blown up in a roadside bomb attack in Iraq … when the explosion occurred, I immediately left my body. I didn’t experience the classic tunnel of light that others have reported. I simply blinked to another place, one that was familiar in essence. So begins the preface of Natalie Sudman’s book Application of Impossible Things. It’s a fascinating tale of her near-death experience (NDE) while serving as a civilian employee of the Army during the Iraq War. The... Read more

December 20, 2024

Did you know that story of the birth of Jesus is told two different ways in the Bible? If you look through the four gospels, you’ll find that only two cover the actual birth, Luke and Matthew. (Mark and John pick up the tale when Jesus is a grown man.) And while there is some overlap in the tale, the details vary. One mystery of the Christmas story: who visited Jesus at his birth? In Matthew, the first visitors to greet the... Read more

December 13, 2024

This story appears in my book Wake Up Call, which one reader called “the best spirituality book of 2024.”  At some point in time, have you wondered if God really exists? You may have asked God to show you a sign, any sign, that he or she is real. You want to know your prayers aren’t going out into an empty void, that your faith isn’t a sign of some deeply ingrained ignorance, that there truly is someone or something looking... Read more

December 7, 2024

I’ve written a lot about finding your purpose or calling. In fact, my book Wake Up Call includes seven different stories related to the topic. I’ve even written a more recent story for those 60-plus here. And while this is another column about purpose, this one has a twist. If you were to read all the stories I’ve written on the topic, you’d come away thinking everyone has a unique purpose (or calling) that they’re meant to fulfill and it’s... Read more

November 29, 2024

As a child, my cousin Linda and I were close. But after her family moved to Florida, we lost touch for decades, until we reconnected a few years ago. Linda recently contacted me with some bad news. She’s dealing with Stage 4 cancer. And while all of our lives have an expiration date, hers may be approaching faster than anticipated. Like me, Linda’s religious beliefs have strayed from the Catholicism we both grew up with. She now identifies as a... Read more

November 24, 2024

What will you be doing this Thanksgiving? In my home, we’ll have a glorious turkey dinner with all the fixings, a football game on the TV, and the beer and wine will flow. My wife and I will be with our small extended family, the first time we’ve all been together this year. We’ll kick-off dinner with a short prayer. It’s a family tradition that was first introduced to me by my father who would say grace, or a short... Read more

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