Photo by Francesca Hotchin on Unsplash
Everything in the universe has a vibration, including the food you eat. Whenever you need a quick mood boost, eating fruits and greens can help clear away the blues and give you energy. But how does food affect your energy field? This article delves into how wholesome foods can raise your vibration and shift your behavior and mood for the better, as well as what science says about this.
What Is Vibrational Energy?
According to experts, the body is enveloped with a field of energy, explaining why you are sometimes comfortable talking to someone you met for the first time — because you vibe and your energies match. Alternatively, this vibration can also tell if the other person feels down or depressed. Some people may refer to this as aura or frequency.
Even researchers detected vibrations on a single human hair, citing this creates electromagnetic energy waves that change the cells and affect how the body functions. Vibrations can either be low, neutral or high. The last one is associated with positive emotions, like gratitude, compassion, joy and fulfillment.
The same concept also applies to foods. Wholesome greens and fruits packed with nutrients are at the top of the vibrational scale, while unhealthy processed foods are at the bottom. Have you ever wondered why you feel sluggish and sleepy after eating a meaty lunch? It’s because meat has low nutritional value compared to vegetables.
What Science Says
Since everything has a vibration, does consuming healthy foods raise your energy waves to a positive spectrum? No study specifically addresses the connection between vibrations and food. Still, food can undoubtedly affect health, emotions and behavior in many ways — and the idea is similar to vibrations.
One study on over 32,000 adults found that dispositional optimism was greatly associated with an overall quality diet and higher consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, seafood, and legumes but was negatively linked with meat, dairy products, sugar, and confectionery. The study concludes optimistic people generally tend to have a more nutritious diet.
Food can also make you happy, chemically. Growing evidence shows that enjoying a healthy meal made from leafy greens, fruits and unsaturated fats activates the production of dopamine and serotonin, which are happy hormones to reward you for making a healthy choice. Besides feeling good, the helpful nutrients from what you eat improve your physical health and mental well-being.
Whether it’s related to vibration or not, there’s no doubt a healthy diet can give you energy, boost your mood and enhance your physical and mental health.
What Foods Have High Frequency
So, what foods can you include on your plate? Nourish your body with these quality foods that improve your mood and energy levels.
1. Fiber-rich Foods
Eating foods loaded with fiber promotes healthy weight and digestion. It also reduces your risk for high cholesterol, obesity, constipation, high blood sugar and cancer. This essential food feature can put you in a better mood by protecting you against diseases and supporting overall body functions. You can find fiber in these fruits and vegetables.
- Avocados
- Apples
- Raspberries
- Bananas
- Carrots
- Beets
- Broccoli
- Whole grains
- Legumes
Prepare a pot of soup with broccoli or low-carb roll-ups with carrots and greens for lunch. Many leafy greens and fruits contain fiber, so you have numerous options to incorporate into your healthy lunches or dinners. Besides eating, preparing your own wholesome meals can add joy and value to your health and raise your vibration.
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
This compound has several uses in the body. It contributes to optimal heart and brain health. DHA — a type of omega-3 found in fish and seafood, has a significant role in children’s brain development until they reach adulthood, as it helps release certain brain chemicals and cellular membrane fluidity and functions. The lack of omega-3 is linked with an increased risk of mental health problems, like ADHD, autism, depression, bipolar disorder and suicidal ideation.
Consuming healthy lunches from seafood and fish and snacks from plant sources like flaxseeds, chia seeds, and almonds ensures the heart and brain have access to the healthy fats they need to neutralize inflammation and be in top shape.
3. Vitamin C
This nutrient is vital for stronger immunity and to support your body to fight illnesses. There’s a scientific explanation for why you feel depressed, behave differently when you’re ill and vibrate at a low frequency. Once a pathogen enters the body, the immune cells immediately eliminate it. They release proteins called cytokines, acting as messengers to communicate the presence of a disease-causing invader throughout the body, including the brain. Once the brain gets the message, it changes activity in several brain structures, resulting in a fever, depressed feelings, fatigue and poor appetite.
If your immunity is more robust, you can handle these brain changes and not get a fever or experience other symptoms. Eating vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits, papaya, kiwi, tomatoes, pineapple and dark green vegetables can reinforce your immune system and help it get rid of pathogens without the health consequences.
4. Vitamin E
Another immune-boosting nutrient is vitamin E. Its antioxidant benefits help offset oxidative stress and free radicals that trigger many diseases, plus it lowers the risk of heart disease and improves skin health, lung function and cognition.
You can get your vitamin E from these sources:
- Wheat germ oil
- Dry-roasted sunflower seeds
- Dry-roasted almonds
- Boiled broccoli
- Kiwi
- Tomato
- Mango
- Boiled spinach
These foods are versatile, so you can easily whip up healthy lunches or snacks that incorporate vitamin E into your plate.
5. Vitamin D
Since the body can’t synthesize vitamin D, supplementing through diet can help normalize it to the correct levels. Typically, vitamin D production can be activated when you soak in the sun. Since the time people spend outdoors is decreasing, eating foods rich in this vitamin is the only healthy alternative.
Vitamin D is crucial for bone health, helps minimize inflammation and regulates sugar metabolism. The recommended dietary allowance is 15 mcg from 1–70 years old, which you can get in these foods:
- Cod liver oil
- Salmon
- Trout
- Soy
- Sardines
- Egg
- Cheese
- Mushrooms
- Broccoli
- Carrots
At times when you can’t spend time outdoors, ensure you supply the body with the vitamin through diet.
Healthy Eating Is Key To Raising Your Vibration
While there’s no study to downright confirm that eating wholesome foods can raise your vibrations, doing so can make you happy, change your behavior for the better, and boost your overall health — and that’s similar to having a high vibe. Healthy eating is crucial as the body depends on the nutrients you feed to fight diseases, perform tasks and function properly. Aim to have a balanced diet.