A Meditation to Cope with Post-Inauguration Anxiety

A Meditation to Cope with Post-Inauguration Anxiety January 26, 2025

Female meditation silhouette
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Seeing how my partner is personally dealing with their own anxieties about their own future under the new administration a bit of spiritual inspiration came to me. The inspiration came to me not only as a way to help my partner, but because I’ve seen other content creators online like Bruce W. Brackett give simple daily breathing exercises on their daily posts.

I also have listened to a lot of content creators out there who are sharing their own concerns as well since the inauguration commence and executive orders have been flying off the shelves from the white house.   From listening to these concerns, I felt like I needed to do something or at least offer a source of comfort that could be of some help.

I created a guided meditation that posted on my Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube so that it got around.  It can also be a source of reflection when you read the transcript below.

Below is the video followed with transcribed words to read and use for yourself or for another group:


Thank you for coming to this video as you scroll on your favorite video app.  I know the last few days have been pretty tough and probably worrying for you.  From our mind to mother nature, we are all in  source of panic right now.

And with that, I offer this as my form of service.

First, find a quiet place where you can lie comfortably or sit.  Then light a candle or some incense.

Once you are ready, slowly close your eyes, following the sound of my voice.

Take three deep breathes.

Clear your mind of the day and focus on the here and now.

I know that you are scared.  There are is one or many voices freaking out right now about the things that could happen, even far into the future.  This is valid.

I know that you feel your life could be in danger in some way.  This is valid.

However, not everything we think or believe is true.  It’s just our mind trying to make sense of it. It’s what we have been led to believe and see because fear has been promoted to us as a means of control.

Take a deep breath and let go of that control.

Ask yourself these questions to clear the path in your mind:

Do you personally know the people who want to harm you?

Have you or another person actually met those who wish you harm and you fear their connection make it worse?

If the answer is no, then why are you letting them control you?

Take a deep breath and release that control.

The way fight this battle and control your own narrative is to not run and hide.  Because that’s what they want.

The way to overcome is to not be in silence but to speak out and be annoyingly present.  It’s how the bully knows you mean business.

Take a deep breath and say to yourself, no one has control over me and my mind but me.

Say it three times to yourself taking a deep breath each time.

Instead of focusing on mere strangers who you don’t know that you fear, reach out to those who do support you:  friends, family, support groups…anyone who will be there for you no matter what…anyone who you can count on in need…and in return you can return the favor.

Take a deep breath.

Remember that if you are really struggling, please reach out to any hotlines that are available out there for help: 288, the Suicide Hotline, and more.    Don’t forget to connect to your therapist in an emergency.

Remember that you are never alone.  Someone is going through the same thing you are.  Someone has the same concerns you do.  Someone is also having a hard time right now.

Take a deep breath

Remember love and unity makes us strong while fear and separation make us weak.

Look to be strong.  Find what makes you whole.  Find what makes you happy. Practice the art of civil disobedience and passive resistance.

But most of all, never give up.  Because you are worth it.

For a few moments just be…and if a thought comes to your mind let it.  But release it by taking a deep breath when it comes.

Now on the count of three, take 3 deep breaths, bringing yourself back up to the hear and now.


Slowly open your eyes.  Take time to remember where you are.

Use this meditation/reflection whenever you need.  Because in these trying times, we all need something to come back to and bring ourselves back to who we are not what someone we don’t know tries to dictate us to be.


Final thoughts

I hope what you just read and heard helps you.  It might not be much, but at least its a starting point when you feel overwhelmed.  Now more than ever we need to be there for each other.  We need to find our tribe, our group, and our support system no matter what gets thrown our way.  We also need to speak out, create and put ourselves out there to face the bully.   However, we also must not forget our own self-care.  Because the more we take care of ourselves, the better life we can have.  It is one thing that we truly have control over.


About Susan:

Susan is a fan of music and culture and kind of considers herself that way.  To get to know a little more about her, as well as future updates, you can find her at the links below:

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