January 25, 2025

In a world where anger and anxiety are taking center stage, the practice of lament offers a profound and healing alternative. By providing a structured outlet for sorrow and grief, lament allows individuals to process their emotions in a meaningful way, fostering resilience, hope, and inner peace. Embracing lament can transform our approach to emotional challenges, guiding us towards a more balanced and compassionate existence.  In the complex tapestry of human emotions, anger and anxiety often dominate, casting shadows over... Read more

January 25, 2025

Patriotism, communism, socialism, racism, sexism. All these “isms” seem to be defining who we are right, and they are putting is in odds with each other and tearing us apart. It makes me wonder, is this the way we should be posturing ourselves if we claim to be Christian?  Mathew 5:44 – “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”  It is often suggested to approach those who oppose us with understanding and compassion. Sometimes, our greatest adversaries... Read more

January 18, 2025

Redefining Masculine Identity in Contemporary Society  As our world continues to redefine itself regarding gender and sexuality, we must consider what this means. A thought that came to me a few weeks back was the question, “can we have a non-patriarchal masculinity?” In doing a little digging around, I found that non-patriarchal masculinity or non-hegemonic masculinity is an emerging concept that challenges traditional notions of masculinity rooted in patriarchal values. It seeks to redefine the masculine identity in ways that... Read more

January 18, 2025

As we get closer to the American inauguration of Donald Trump and the world seemingly continues to appear to fall apart, I am reading across many mediums a current of worry and concern. I want to consider worry this week and our posture towards it. A new project I am undertaking and will become more present in my future writing is my re engagement with my church as a professional pastor in some way. As I am relearning the language,... Read more

January 12, 2025

A Calling  A common first question that is asked when you are brought in front of any ordination board is “tell me about your call story?”. Mine was nothing terribly profound, no “come to Jesus” moment at a youth gathering or spiritual awakening. Simply, it was a slow awareness that grew into what I would call today a mystical experience.   When I was a Sophomore in High School, I received a bible from my grandfather, I am not sure if... Read more

January 10, 2025

A theme I have been playing around with in 2024 was the theme of loneliness. I want to continue this theme in 2025 and talk about building community in a world of brokenness and separateness.  A Deer Hit My Car and Temporarily I Joined a Tribe  In almost 30 years of driving, I finally had an incident with a deer. Now, I did not hit the deer, the deer hit me. Like ran right into the front passenger quarter panel... Read more

January 6, 2025

The Meme that Started the Conversation  A friend recently shared this meme, and it has had me thinking all week:  We diagnose depression because it’s easier than admitting we’ve built a world that’s poison to the human spirit.  Easier to medicate the masses than face our collective soul wound.   From this, I offered that one of the many problems I see as a clinician who deals with spiritual wounding is that our religious systems and ideologies are ego driven.... Read more

January 4, 2025

I am sitting down pondering what to write for the New Year, New You post and scrolling through all the crowded gym jokes and reading friends New Years fitness goals and watching thru hike announcements for the AT. This got me to really thinking, what is the Judeo/Christian response to all of this? When I searched “a Christian view on caring for our bodies”, I only came up with a list of bible verses, usually taken out of context and... Read more

December 29, 2024

As we approach 2025, plenty of people will be writing about goals, hopes and dreams for 2025. While these can be insightful and inspiring, I want to offer a challenge to the posture we ought to take as Christians who aim to live intentionally in the manner the historical Jesus would have intended. What follows are five postures to consider as we enter 2025.   A Christian Response to the Upcoming Presidential Inauguration   Throughout 2024, I regularly commented on how Jesus... Read more

December 28, 2024

Well, we are finally on the other side of Mariah Carey memes and Last Christmas (I did not make it this season without hearing this song, last season, I did), the cookies are almost gone, and the baby Jesus is settling in nicely with his mum and dad in the manger on the altar. And so, we come to the end of the year.  This is my reflection.  Peace on Earth  On January 6, the Church celebrates what is known... Read more

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