January 27, 2025

I want to thank the many friends who have invited us to their various LGBTQ+ faith communities here in San Antonio. Grant and I have been attending St. Mark’s Episcopal Church of San Antonio since Christmas. I have a special arrangement with my local Catholic Archdiocese to also practice certain elements of Catholicism because part of me will always be Catholic. There are many things I will always love about the Catholic Church, like its long-standing commitment to migrants and... Read more

January 8, 2025

Part of my family’s faith journey was in the Anglican Church of Nigeria from 2012-2016.  After an abrupt church split, we left in 2016, well before any of our children came out LGBTQ+.  As a mother who loves and tried to protect her children, I didn’t understand the oppression and dangers LGBTQ+ people were facing in Africa and just how dangerously anti-LGBTQ+ parts of Africa can be.  I cannot express how thankful I am that we were not in that... Read more

January 3, 2025

After everything I have fully learned within the last two years regarding the role religion and Church structures play in either helping or harming the LGBTQ+ community, here is the way I identify now on the Catholic-leaning end of Christianity. I’m both Episcopalian and Catholic, but I’m more Episcopalian in the geographical areas where the Catholic Church actively legislates against the gay community in both diocesan policy and civil law. Yes, how the Catholic Church operates and reacts to the... Read more

December 26, 2024

For some of you who read my publications and blogs, I share my faith journey. As of today, some of the biggest regrets about my faith and religious life were leaving the Episcopal Church during my years at Baylor University from 1990-1994, starting a more conservative (instead of progressive) church life with my husband of 30 years in 1994, some regrets (not all) about becoming Catholic in 2016, and not understanding LGBTQ+ life issues much sooner.  Even though I have... Read more

December 16, 2024

I am so beyond done with the conservative pro-Trump Church in a multitude of different ways that I can’t even list them all. The only type of Church I can stomach is the polar opposite resistance to the Religious pro-Trump Right, and that’s the progressive Church.  Even further, the progressive Church needs to be actively working to dismantle systems of oppression the conservative pro-Trump church has caused which didn’t start with Trump.  The plans to usher in the power of... Read more

December 8, 2024

Ok, since I had my first child come out almost five years ago, it took me working through it to understand, but I chose my child because nothing matters to me more than my family. This unconditional love has extended towards other LGBTQ+ kids who need support. Having more than one child come out LGBTQ+ and the increased political attacks on LGBTQ+ people, particularly in Texas, has taken me from MamaBear level to Mama Dragon level, from moderately-conservative Catholic to... Read more

November 26, 2024

As a life-long Christian, Educational Therapist/Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist and lay minister, I have some very strong words to say about Bible curriculum in public schools.  I am also a former Christian school and public-school classroom teacher of additional 15 years combined. About four months ago, I drove up to Austin, TX and presented this statement to the Texas Board of Education. Adopting Bible curriculum in public schools is straight up Christian Nationalism and is a violation of religious freedom for... Read more

November 6, 2024

I think I need to post both realistic and yet encouraging words today. The re-election of Donald Trump was a shocking surprise to many of us, for I thought maybe Russia interfered with such an elevated win. Then this morning, I watched a video from Morning Joe on MSNBC. The data from 2016, 2020, and 2024 revealed an arching reality that none of us could have prevented. Across every racial demographic, there was an increase of men in White, Hispanic,... Read more

November 1, 2024

I love seeing progressive Christian leaders, writers, and laity expose the hypocrisy, harm, and ridiculousness of Christian Nationalist ideology which says that all good truly American families must be “White, heterosexual, male-dominated, “Christian,” and Republican without exception.  This is not reality. Here in the featured picture, we have a progressive religious writer named Rick Pidcock who writes for Baptist News Global.  For Halloween, he dressed as a Christian Nationalist worship leader with his wife dressed as a “The Handmaid’s Tale”... Read more

October 26, 2024

In some of my past articles, I stated we were further outside of a fascist threat but heavily entrenched in Christian Nationalism.  Now that we are too close to this reality, I’m writing about it again. The only way to defeat Christian Nationalism currently and avoid a fascist state is to vote Kamala Harris and Tim Walz into the White House and other Democrats into positions of power which I think will happen. If you are a Christian who left... Read more

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