Ok, since I had my first child come out almost five years ago, it took me working through it to understand, but I chose my child because nothing matters to me more than my family. This unconditional love has extended towards other LGBTQ+ kids who need support. Having more than one child come out LGBTQ+ and the increased political attacks on LGBTQ+ people, particularly in Texas, has taken me from MamaBear level to Mama Dragon level, from moderately-conservative Catholic to a progressive and affirming person-of-faith.
Conservative right winged clergy and other people like them expect religious parents to choose between our children’s lives and well-being or their Church/religion. For decades, right-winged conservative clergy haven’t listened to families with LGBTQ+ kids. Therefore, the rate of suicide is twice as high in the conservative Church as it is outside of the conservative Church, but yet, these clergymen still choose ignorance, not listen to medical professionals, and not listen to people who are actually parenting LGBTQ+ children. My husband and I have met families from conservative backgrounds all over the nation like ours. I will admit that up until 6 years ago, I was too conservative, didn’t listen, and didn’t understand, so I apologize for any part I played by not waking up sooner or unknowingly contributing in any way to a right ringed agenda.
<p”>Take a look at a key leader of Mama Dragons, a mother from a conservative religious background who raised her children in the Church and homeschooled her children. Like me, she didn’t raise her children with liberalism but raised them in the conservative Church. For this mom, she homeschooled her kids while we raised our children in conservative Christian schools. When her child came out transgender, she believed what her child told her and chose to follow science and doctors’ advice rather than playing Russian Roulette with her child’s life by following conservative clergy or doctrine that potentially kills. I chose our LGBTQ+ kids because nothing matters more to me than the well-being and life of my kids. Click on the Facebook link for transgender advocacy at the Supreme Court by the Mama Dragons from conservative religious backgrounds.
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At this point, I’ve had it with conservative right-winged clergy who refuse to listen to parents over their LGBTQ+ children’s LIFE issues. I am totally done, had it, and am completely fed up!! Critical Thinking, Asking Questions, Real Science, Real History, Deconstruction, Reality, and the Real Jesus are the Seven Deadly Sins to far-right clergy instead of Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride that the Church developed in the 4th century. These conservative right-winged clergy are so anti-LGBTQ+ that they continue to place our kids’ lives in danger and double-down instead of listening and caring about our families.
If someone asks me to choose between the most important thing in the world to me next to my kids or my kids/other queer kids, I will always choose the kids far and beyond anything else!!!
Mess with a MamaBear; see teeth and claws. Mess with a Mama Dragon; see fire!!
Thank God for reconciling and affirming faith communities.