New Analysis Confirms Wuhan Market as Origin of COVID-19

New Analysis Confirms Wuhan Market as Origin of COVID-19 September 21, 2024

Wuhan Market Origin

A new analysis of the origin of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) virus by an elite, international, research team further confirms China’s determination—that COVID-19 originated at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in the mega-city Wuhan. I suggested this in my book, Moses Predicted COVID-19, which I wrote in three months and began the process of publishing it in June, 2020.

Lab Leak Origin Theory

Some people had opposed this determination, alleging that COVID-19 originated near this seafood market in a sophisticated laboratory that analyzed zoonosis—viruses being transmitted from animals to humans. These people believed that COVID-19 either escaped accidentally from the laboratory or the Chinese military purposely let the virus transmit from humans to animals. The latter has always been soundly debunked, since it heinous to think China’s military would do such a thing to its own people. But the accidental leak theory had some merit. However, this study, which was published Thursday in the journal Cell, strongly suggests the origin of COVID-19 occurred at the seafood market.

Moses’ Food Laws

This determination further supports my book’s thesis—that humans should avoid animals declared “unclean” in Moses’ food laws in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. That is, Jews should not eat them or even expose themselves to them. Why is this? I maintain that there is a hygienic value to Moses’ food laws (actually “meat laws”). But most biblical scholars have always disagreed with this. Yet, many Jewish rabbis throughout history have believed these laws have some hygienic basis.

There are a range of wild animals, designated “unclean” according to Moses, that the Huanan Seafood Market kept alive and sold on the spot to customers. (This is because there is a significant business of this sort in southeast Asia, in which people believe fresh meat is healthier and tastier than processed and/or frozen meat.) Those animals included raccoon dog, hoary bamboo rat, dog, European rabbit, Amur hedgehog, Malayan porcupine, Reeves’s muntjac, Himalayan marmot and masked palm civet. But the COVID-19 virus could have first transmitted from animals such as bats to any of these animals and then transmitted to humans.

Anyway, this new analysis should help put to rest the two theories that COVID-19 was a purposeful leak or an accidental leak by a nearby Wuhan lab studying viruses.

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