Trump Is Sworn-In as President without his Hand on the Bible

Trump Is Sworn-In as President without his Hand on the Bible January 20, 2025

Donald F. Trump was sworn in on this Inauguration Day as U.S. president for the second time, but this time without placing his hand on the Bible. His wife, Melania, stood beside him holding two Bibles. The first time Mr. Trump was sworn-in as president, in 2017, he held up his right hand as a promise to protect the U.S. Constitution and placed his left hand on a Bible as if to verify his promise before the God of the Bible. But this time, Mr. Trump only held up his right hand and kept his left hand at his side.

U.S. Bible Tradition

It has been a U.S. tradition conducted on almost every swearing-in of the president on Inauguration Day for the president-elect to place his hand on a Bible. And Mr. Trump did do that the first time, eight years ago. When the Trump administration was asked afterwards why President Trump chose this time not to put his hand on a Bible, even though his wife stood near him holding two of them, no reason was given.

Does Trump Love the Bible?

Does this Trump act regarding the Bible signify something about his intentions for this go-round as president? Perhaps only Donald F. Trump knows the answer to that question. It appears to me to be a sign that he will not associate himself with the Bible even though he stated publicly on February 23, 2016, during the early portion of his first campaign for the U.S. presidency, “No one loves the Bible more than I do.”

Moreover, Mr. Trump likes to hawk wares with his name on them, and he has even done it with the Bible. In March last year, Donald Trump produced what was often called “The Trump Bible” for sale but with the name on it being God Bless the USA Bible, which was the title of singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic song. This Trump Bible sold for $59.99.

So, why did Mr. Trump promote his Bible last year, but today he wouldn’t continue the American tradition by placing his hand on a Bible when being sworn in as president, which appears to be a contradiction? Again, perhaps only Mr. Trump knows the answer to that question, and he’s not sayin’.

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