Donald Trump Promises Brand New Executive Order

Donald Trump Promises Brand New Executive Order November 15, 2024

Washington, DC — President elect Donald J. Trump has made a lot of boisterous and public promises, but one that has, until now, slipped under the radar is a new executive order that he plans on implementing on day one of his second term. The order, dubbed the “Promoting Equal Diversity in Orchestration,” or P.E.D.O., is an idea that the Trump team has stated will “unite the American people around cherished songs we all know and love.” The order lays out, in great detail, how all patriotic music–from the Star-Spangled Banner to God Bless America–will be played in the same key so as to “bring America together around a common, unified goal.”

The key the Trump team has decided to pick is “A-minor.” When asked why this particular tonality was chosen, a spokesperson from the campaign stated, “we like the feel of A-minor; it causes great emotional impact when you dance around with A-minor, and we believe most musicians, from Sean Combs to Drake to Garth Brooks, will agree with that.”

Former Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is the current frontrunner for Attorney General, has had a long, storied history with this tonality, and voiced adulation for the order. “I’m overjoyed. I couldn’t be happier, really. Finally, A-minor here. A-minor there. In pool halls. In your favorite restaurant. Nothing but A-minor.”

“That’s what we want to see,” said Trump, in an interview with MAGA podcaster, and respecter of women, DJ Akademics. “As we make America great again, we’re going to make music great again. And we start by unifying around A-minor, a relatively new key–not a lot of people know that–it’s new, it’s fresh, it’s young, really. A-minor. You just love saying it.”

Musicians wondering how long they have to transpose their sheet music to the proper key can go to to find out more.

(This is satire.)





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About Matthew J. Distefano
Matthew J. DiStefano is a writer and business owner dedicated to exploring the intersections of faith, culture, and social justice. He is the author of The Wisdom of Hobbits and the host of the High Minds Podcast, as well as co-host of the Heretic Happy Hour podcast. Matthew engages in open and thought-provoking conversations that challenge conventional beliefs and promote inclusivity. His work centers on dismantling harmful ideologies and advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, racial justice, and a more compassionate understanding of spirituality. As a farmer and owner of Happy Woods Farm, Matthew also embraces the joy of cultivating the land and nurturing a sustainable lifestyle. With a unique blend of humor and insight, he invites readers to question, reflect, and ultimately find freedom in their beliefs You can read more about the author here.
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