Simone Biles, foster care, and me!

I have been following Simone Biles‘ career for the last several years. Yet, beyond the fandom lies a spiritual resonance. Simone has triumphed from being foster, like me. Numerous interviews establish the source to Simone’s removal from her mother’s guardianship. It had much to do with her mom’s battle with addiction. When Simone and her sister Akira had gone hungry for the last time, her grandparents stepped in to rescue them.
Although intermittently between my mom’s Bronx apartment, The New York Foundling Hospital in Manhattan, and foster homes throughout the city from birth until nine years old, I was permanently removed from my mother’s home by the summer of third grade. It’s not until my second-to-last foster home that I experienced nine years of safety and salvation. I would later discover, God was hiding me from those in my lineage seeking my demise. My grandmother was too busy conjuring curses and webs of delay for my mom to care. My rescue was God in the form of Mrs. Thelma Marie Griffin who obeyed divine instruction and housed myself and my two sisters. Without this home, I would have surely died untimely. At age nine, I gave my heart to Christ and He never let go!
Purpose filled life

Sometimes, we are placed in unfamiliar spaces for our protection, the protection of our destinies, and generations to come. Simone’s grand parents not only protected Simone and her sister, but they sent Simone on her life’s journey by introducing her to gymnastics elite competitions at 14. Like many children her age, she struggled, coming in third in 2011 for the all-around medal. Although, she fought earning her first gold medal in 2012 for the same all-around prize at the American Classic in Texas. Winning made her crave more. Thirteen years later, she is referred to as the GOAT having earned 7 gold medals.
Simone’s excellence is a reminder of the possibilities purpose possesses.
Shannon Biles’ (Simone’s birth mom) heart races like any sports’ lover anytime Simone’s tiny feet pave way to an opening pass. Although mom wasn’t around to see her daughter practice in-person, Simone’s success wasn’t overnight. Those secret tears along with her tenacity transmute into tons of time well spent. And time is what Mrs. Biles, now, seeks from her daughter. Time she may not be afforded due to the abandonment of Simone.
Forging forward with forgiveness
Shannon Biles yearns for the day to make amends with her daughter Simone. At 52, Ms. Biles desires her 27 year old daughter to help her begin her healing process by extending a call or conversation. At the crux of Mrs. Biles’ concern is forgiveness. According to her interview with Daily Mail, she seeks both daughters’ forgiveness for abandoning them during her ongoing battle with drug abuse and addiction. Admitting to her own wrong doings, Shannon desires a clean slate by being allowed in Simone’s circumference.
Abandonment and rejection are difficult storms to weather but need addressing to truly heal. Spiritually, one must absolve the offender. Emotionally, one must forgive oneself for believing the lies of rejection that say one isn’t enough. While Satan would have one believe they are not worth forgiveness, Christ reminds us that He has taken on the sins of the world, absolving us of filth. Therefore, we are required to forgive those who hurt us, as well as let go of distress, guilt, and shame.
For decades, I remained resigned in my anger for being rejected, and embarrassed by my mother. It wasn’t until God revealed to me that her own mother, and sister, cast evil projections onto her creating false conditions my siblings and I bought into. I felt horrible for misdiagnosing the situation and wished I had known sooner, so I could have strategically architect my prayers. She died at the hands of evil, and I could do nothing. I was 29.
Should Simone release her pain by forgiving her mom? Perhaps, she has. I simply believe either way, she should express to her mom exactly where she is in the process and unburden herself from further anguish.