Etsy The Masked Marketplace
It has come to my attention recently that Etsy is selling curses and death spells on its e-commerce marketplace. Etsy presents itself as a welcoming and community-oriented platform, yet underneath the wholesome exterior, we find Satanists and black magic practitioners selling curses and death spells to customers.
This situation raises many concerns for me, and I hope others feel the same way. Why are people who practice black magic permitted to sell curses and death spells on a supposedly ethical, global marketplace for artists and crafters. It certainly seems like Etsy and investors are also profiting from the sales of death spells and curses.
Not to mention, animals like goats are shown on the Etsy shop photographs as ritual sacrifices along with the death spells that are for sale. This is truly bizarre and disturbing. 
I recently received correspondence from a reader based in Brazil, who brought to my attention the concept of “freedom of belief.” And, that we live in a capitalist world and people have the right to sell anything they want.
Nonetheless, I cannot be certain of his experiences, but from my own experiences and through careful observation, common sense tells me that selling and casting death spells for others should be cause for concern. There are countless individuals that subscribe to such beliefs and lack compassion for others, including animals. Nonetheless, many of these individuals are destroyers, chaos seekers and a to danger to society.
Selling curses on Etsy should never be justified under the guise of “Freedom of Belief.”

Etsy markets itself as a platform that prides itself on being an ethical and global marketplace. Nonetheless, It appears like Etsy is just another entity that operates under a disguise. This serves as just one example of how such things can go unnoticed because so many people don’t pay attention to what’s going on around them.
Is Etsy straying from its original mission, or is Etsy altering its policies for financial gain? Are they prioritizing profits over the well-being of their community members?
Ultimate Death Spell, Revenge Spell, Curse Your Enemy, Make Them Regret/ Same Day Casting – Etsy
Black magic practitioners like Satanists and Luciferians infiltrate every organization, business and institution. They can be our neighbor, co-worker or the waiter at your local restaurant. Consequently, remaining silent, disregarding facts, and being indifferent makes one complicit in the problem.
And, for this reason death and darkness will continue to rise, until we turn to the light and give Glory to the Great One.