The Impact of Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic abuse can profoundly affect those who endure it. This complex disorder encompasses various forms of narcissism, including grandiose, malignant, and covert types.
Traits of narcissism can encompass a deficiency in empathy, an intense desire for admiration, and tendencies toward harmful behavior. Consequently, narcissists may engage in abusive tactics like intimidation, coercion, gaslighting, and emotional blackmail.
These experiences can result in long-term negative effects on the victim’s mental and physical health, self-esteem, and ability to trust and form healthy relationships. However, with the right support and resources, recovery and healing are possible.
While narcissism can manifest in different ways, it’s crucial to understand how narcissistic personality disorder affects individuals and their interpersonal relationships.
Narcissists are adept at intentionally causing turmoil. They appear to derive personal satisfaction from distressing their partner and take pleasure in witnessing their tears. Also, they often blame shift and engage in name-calling. Moreover, narcissists often disregard boundaries and construct their own narratives, potentially leading to further confusion for the individual subjected to the narcissist’s abuse.

Narcissists thrive on igniting conflict and will seize every chance to do so. They show no concern for those who have suffered abuse or trauma in the past. Furthermore, individuals exhibiting Machiavellian characteristics, as well as narcissists, tend to be unfazed by consequences. And they firmly believe in their innocence.

Protect Your Energy
In addition, it’s worth noting that one of the objectives of a narcissist is to drain their victim’s life force, rendering them unable to function independently. Undoubtedly, this energy drain leaves the abused depleted, and ultimately under the narcissist’s control.
Unfortunately, narcissistic abuse appears to be quite prevalent, and it can result in significant health deterioration and the loss of valuable time in our lives. This type of abuse does not leave any physical scars but leaves emotional scars that can last a lifetime. It is often said that narcissists present a false image to the world, wearing a mask if you will, only revealing their true selves only to their partners.
Determining who is beneficial for us isn’t overly complicated; it often just requires us to use our common sense. But, for those raised by abusive parents or in a dysfunctional environment, there is a tendency to be drawn to individuals who perpetuate abuse. This is not out of a desire for mistreatment, but rather it is all they have known and experienced, rendering it familiar.
Learning from past experiences and developing self-awareness can assist us in identifying an abuser earlier rather than later. This awareness empowers us to walk away or even better, RUN from circumstances that would otherwise leave you feeling powerless and trapped.

If you suspect you are in an abusive narcissistic relationship, remember you can call the crisis line if you have no one else to turn to. In abusive situations, thinking clearly can be difficult, so it’s important to keep a list of emergency contacts handy, including the local police department. Code your contacts if necessary. Even if the police cannot intervene immediately, always document what’s happening with authorities. The health and safety of yourself, your children, and your pets are of utmost importance.
Remember you are not alone, call the hotline. So, prepare a plan and a to go bag.