Possession and Exorcism, Is Demonic Activity Real?

Possession and Exorcism, Is Demonic Activity Real? October 11, 2024

Ben Daniels

The Exorcist

Psychological thriller


Starring: Geena Davis, Ben Daniels, Alphonso Herrera, Kurt Egyiawan



 Matthew 7:15 -20 You Will Know Them by Their Fruits

Linda Blair famously portrayed the iconic role of Regan MacNeil in the classic horror film “The Exorcist.” Since its release, the story has had numerous adaptations and versions. Recently, I watched a version of “The Exorcist” filmed in 2016 featuring Geena Davis. Although the series only lasted for two seasons, it left a lasting impression on me.

The final episode was open-ended, leaving the interpretation up to the viewers. Upon reflecting on the plot and characters, it seems that the show was meant to continue. The exceptional production featured outstanding acting, direction, and special effects.

However, after I viewed the last episode, I wondered if the way the writers portrayed the Vatican, and the Roman Catholic Church had anything to do with the series’ failure to move forward. No doubt, I think any demon-fearing individual would be scared away from the church if they watched the 2016 version of “The Exorcist.”

Nonetheless, the theory of the Vatican integrating demons into the Vatican Hierarchy is nothing new.  This conspiracy theory has been around for many years.

Ben Daniels and Alphonso Herrera who play The Priest and the Exiled Priest are remarkable actors. They portrayed their roles convincingly, both emotionally and physically. In addition, the actresses who played the possessed individuals were very impressive. Might I say it takes a special kind of actor to effectively embody demonic energy in front of a camera.

Throughout history, the Catholic Church has used stories of Satan to instill fear among Christians. While the methods of priests and nuns in warning against Satan and his followers may not have always been ideal, this does not negate the existence of the Infernal Kingdom or demonic entities.

Indeed, during my time at St. Bernard’s College of Theology and Ministry in upstate New York, I had the privilege of studying with a professor whose scholarly accomplishments were truly remarkable. He hailed from England and dedicated considerable time at the Vatican. In addition, he is exorcist and is also a Knight Protector of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Israel.

It is true that within the Catholic Church, there are priests who are specially trained to conduct exorcisms on those believed to be possessed. Nevertheless, Catholic priests are bound by a stringent set of rules to determine the authenticity of possession.

Exorcists are usually located within the state of residence, often serving in local Catholic churches. While tales of exorcism may seem frightening, it raises the question: why would priests undergo training in exorcism if there were no instances of demonic activity or possession?



If one experiences “negative energies” within themselves or their homes, there are ways to protect oneself and your loved ones. Accordingly, Christan prayers in the name of Jesus Christ are effective, but sincere faith is required. Thus, the prayers can be used to remove demons, but it’s important to approach without fear.

“Prayers That Rout Demons” offers a comprehensive collection of prayers and is a well-regarded book.

To wrap this article up, the Catholic Church conspiracy theory can be examined from numerous perspectives, however, there are too many viewpoints to discuss at the moment.


I give this film 10 yikes!







About Arguay-Wenner M.A.
Melissa Ann Argay holds a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Albany and a master's degree in Pastoral Studies from St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry in Rochester, New York. In addition, she is a published photographer, an author of children's books, and she has occasional engagements in television. You can read more about the author here.
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