January 30, 2025

Imbolc is an ancient Gaelic holiday celebrating the very first stirrings of new life–the earliest breaths of spring. After months of turning inward, of hibernation and of rest, life is beginning to stir again. Spiritually, this is a time of new life coming into manifestation. We may only be seeing the tiniest hints of life above the surface but things are really beginning to stir in the darkness. The Celtic History of Imbolc Imbolc, deeply rooted in Gaelic history, intertwines... Read more

January 16, 2025

January is a liminal time for me. I have realized that the period of time between New Year’s and Imbolc is my time to get prepared for the year ahead. I start to think about any big plans I have for the year and what the year might look like. One of the things I like to do to help me “get a read” on the year is to find out what the tarot card for the year is and... Read more

January 6, 2025

How does your Paganism shape your life? It is the beginning of a new year, which means it is time to ask ourselves the big questions and think about what we want from the year ahead. This time of year often brings out my inner Hestia. I am getting ready to cleanse, clean and reconsecrate my spiritual tools and altars – both public and private. The winter also encourages me to retreat to my office and spend more time at... Read more

December 20, 2024

The holidays can be hard as a Pagan. The holidays can be hard for everyone, I understand that. When you add in something such as a different religion to the mainstream Christian holiday culture, some Pagans feel left out in the cold. I believe that our religion, our traditions, and our gods grow and evolve with the changing times. And if all of that is possible, then why can’t our holiday practices also grow and evolve? Not Celebrating Holidays on... Read more

December 12, 2024

Was my prediction for 2024 accurate? It was. At the beginning of the year, I wrote a blog entitled “2024 is Going to be a Gr8 Year.” Notice the Gr8 part. That blog post was based on the tarot card associated with 2024, which was the Strength card. I was not trying to imply that this year was going to be amazing. It is hard to make such a claim when Strength is the card representing the entire year. Where... Read more

November 21, 2024

There has been a lot of talk, and writing, lately about ways to support our communities and find strength. I may sound like a broken record, but the longer the tower times progress, the more I am called back to the messages Loki has given us. Part of his message is that we need to find our joy. When asked to find your joy, you may have certain things that come to mind. Certain people, certain gods. When talking about... Read more

November 7, 2024

I owe you (and Patheos) a blog post. As a Pagan who owns a metaphysical store and ghost tour company, as well as being clergy for a Wiccan church and Norse kindred, October is not only Holy Month, it’s busy month. This year I was blessed to also attended Hekate’s Sickle Festival the first weekend of November. Then there was Tuesday, election day, and the rest of the week has been filled with feelings of despair, shock, fear and betrayal.... Read more

October 10, 2024

In September, a year of work finally paid off. Myself, my husband and the archpriesthood of our Wiccan church organization, The Aquarian Tabernacle Church, spent about a year planning a group cruise. A floating festival if you will. Last month, the Witches on the Water cruise became a reality. It was a magickal week of learning and sharing, getting to meet Madame Pamita, and making new, old friends. If you have ever facilitated a ritual or festival or other event,... Read more

September 23, 2024

Mabon is the most wonderful time of the year. For me. Some might hear the phrase “most wonderful time of the year” and think of Christmas or October. Those are wonderful times too. But everyone has their favorite and for some reason, mine has always been Mabon. But I’m not quite sure why. Why Do People Love Autumn? I love autumn. I blame that being born in the fall made me partial to autumn, but that can’t be the entire... Read more

September 3, 2024

In the spiritual and metaphysical world, there are certain topics that are highly popular, and rightly so. Cleansing and protection are one of the basics of metaphysical practice and therefore get a lot of attention. Love is another topic that gets a lot of coverage. But money is the thing that is on people’s minds the most right now. Harvest Season As we wind down the summer and look ahead to the autumn, we are entering the harvest season. In... Read more

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