January 30, 2025

I have seen the 1st cross-quarter day, or Imbolc in the Celtic Wheel, talked about in a couple of ways. The first being the light, whether returning or the spark of the creative fire within us. Light, particularly fire, external and internal, being the main theme. The second is the first sparks of Spring. In my climate and landscape this is a harder one to connect to, and one reason why I never followed the Celtic Wheel. Here winter is... Read more

January 16, 2025

In previous years I used to offer a yearly Outlook Reading which gave people an overall path for the year to come and specific month by month readings to help them go deeper. Last year I shared how to do this kind of reading in my article How to do a 2024 Outllook Reading. I loved doing them and throughout the year I would get emails from people who purchased them telling me how spot on and useful they were... Read more

December 29, 2024

Winter is a good time to take stock, do some reflecting, and prepare ourselves for the flurry of activity that comes in the warmer months. One of those reflection points I have been considering for myself the last couple of months is: Where am I putting my energy? Internet World We live in a digital age where everything is vying for attention and time, a competition for our most valuable resource – our energy. Social media and traditional platforms have... Read more

December 22, 2024

In the US, from the beginning of November through December, seems to be a never ending feast. Not one long one, but a series of them at various times. Celebrating the harvest time, Turkey day, and all the various holidays/ family/friend gatherings that take place during these months. As I sat with my Ancestors last night on Winter Solstice, I started thinking deeper about the idea of “feasting” in our modern age. Perfection is a Myth I see people stressing... Read more

December 16, 2024

There are many variations of this kind of spell, this is just mine – It starts with a Bring to Light, then a banishing/ clearing, and ends with a bringing in resources. This is a great kind of spell for anyone who is ending a journey and preparing for their next, for New Years or Winter Solstice, or during the Phoenix Moon. You will need 3 glass pillar candles (you can get these at a dollar tree), a permanent marker,... Read more

December 11, 2024

In my studies of Nature’s Time – the cycles, energies, and flow of nature – I noticed a very distinct macro cycle of the Moon called the Phoenix Moon. It is a cumulative cycle of 3 years, or 36 Moons and one Phoenix Moon which represents the ending and a new beginning. I have been working in this cycle, starting on an unconscious level, to a purposeful one for a long time. This year marked the 3rd year of this... Read more

November 18, 2024

After every Death Emissary class we spend time in post discussion, a time for them to ask questions, to go deeper into the material, as well as, sharing their own experiences and perspectives. Yesterday’s class was about the Staff and Hood, two tools in Spirit work but also used for self development of skills such as psychic senses. We were talking about the Stitch magic aspect that can be applied to the Hood and felt it was a good topic... Read more

November 14, 2024

Shadow work is so much more than just healing wounds, it is a journey of self discovery and empowerment. I have had a difference of opinion when it comes to shadow work as I often see it presented in the mainstream. The focus is usually on wounds being carried, opening them up, and then healing them. Yes, this is part of the process but from my perspective it is a much smaller portion of the whole process and reason to... Read more

November 7, 2024

From around September through December, Ancestors and spirits are always more heavily present. This year though, has been a whole other experience for many Death workers I know, myself included. They have been present in mass and in a much heavier physical context. Many of us have been chatting and speculating on the change but I think the answer is much more clear now, at least for me – “We have been here before.” This week has rocked a lot... Read more

October 23, 2024

This is a conversation that has been running in my head for a few weeks now. It started with a question “What is the difference between a Sorcerer and a Witch?” Often used interchangeably in our current society and communities, yet there was something that caught my attention and would not let go. Language matters, words matter, and I was getting the message, that even though people now do not see this as more than choosing a word they prefer... Read more

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