Where the Gods Dwell: Imbolc & the Fire Within

Where the Gods Dwell: Imbolc & the Fire Within January 30, 2025

I have seen the 1st cross-quarter day, or Imbolc in the Celtic Wheel, talked about in a couple of ways. The first being the light, whether returning or the spark of the creative fire within us. Light, particularly fire, external and internal, being the main theme. The second is the first sparks of Spring. In my climate and landscape this is a harder one to connect to, and one reason why I never followed the Celtic Wheel. Here winter is still in its depth, the deep chill in the air, and frost upon the ground.

Different cultures have different ways they celebrate this time and different Deities or Guides associated with it. One of the most common is Brigid of the Tuatha de Danann in Ireland.

Candle floating on water
by esa


There are some variations of the spelling but we will just stick with the modern Brigid for this article. Brigid is the personification of Fire both internally and externally. She is the fire of inspiration for poets, writers, musicians, and story tellers. Those who use imagination and vibration to shift and alter the emotions and minds of people. She is the forger, the creator of material works through crafting, calling to those who shape and transform through their hands. Then there is Her healing aspect. Whether this is through energetic healing or the mixture of herbs, again fire is a key modality.

Brigid is a unique Goddess, as She found a way to survive and become part of christianity in the era of conversions. She moved from Goddess to Saint and remained a prominent figure in Irish culture in both aspects. With that blended act though also came deeper challenges, especially for those in reconstruction movements. She is what I refer to as a convoluted Goddess, because it is difficult to see the original Goddess with all the layers of christianity. This is a common issue with most Deities from a research aspect because almost everything was written later by christians, thus having some tainted views.

It is why I encourage people to learn directly from Deities when connecting to Them. Let Them tell Their own stories, lessons, and domains. Although I can see the core resonance between what They tell me and what others say, but there can also be very different in context. The Goddess Hel is probably the most stark example of this. In history She is spoken of in many very negative lights, yet in my experience She the most patient, loving, and welcoming of all the Keepers (Death Deities) I have met. Like all, She has an aggressive side when needed, but I have rarely seen it.

Never Say Never

I have purposely avoided Brigid due to the heavy convolution and continued modern connections to christianity that keep adding to it. My problem doesn’t come in the connecting with the Deity Themselves, it is when it comes to sharing or interacting with Their communities. That is a whole other article though, and I have touched on it before when talking about my journey with The Morrigan.

As I step onto the other side of my path this year (which I briefly shared a layout of that and will go deeper as I go deeper into it), three Deities have taken center stage to guide and teach me, one of Them being Brigid. I can see how She complements the other two and can see how Her possible lessons can be applied in the work. I also know my reservations are from a place that has nothing really to do with Herself as Herself.

Sure, I could say no, I do hold my own Sovereignty – but there is no valid reason to. She is also very strong in feeling, which is a signal to me that I need whatever She is here to teach me and She will be a primary for me on this path just like Kari and Flidais. On a side note that I have been contemplating – In my Death/ Soul work I had/have three primary Guides: The Morrigan, Hel, and La Muerte. It is fitting that there seems to be three for the Living/ world side of this work.

So I am greeting Brigid with open arms. Right now I am dedicating a cauldron to serve as Her symbol on my altar. Although tarot is my usual way of starting off these types of conversation to build up the bond between us, She has yet to choose a deck and seems interested in another mode, so I guess we will just see where that goes.

Where the Gods Dwell

In the end though, this time of year, in the first turning of the Master Pattern, this is the time of Fire, of Creation, of Dreaming and planning. For me specifically it is about Where the Gods Dwell and the beginning works of Chayara (shamanic practices in Crane Tradition).

The theme of “Where the Gods Dwell” seems to be a time of revealing and understanding for me personally. As I said, there is a theme of 3, creating an interesting blend of 6 total. The Morrigan, Hel, and La Muerte on the side of Death, transformation, and journey of the Soul. Kari, Flidais, and now Brigid on the side of Life, movement, interconnected with the physical nature and ecosystems I live within and are a part of. These are my primaries, and all aspects/ faces of a core pattern of duality between the Soul and Body, Spirit and Living, The Why and the How.

Part of “Where the Gods Dwell” is recognizing who is Guiding us, but also a time to reflect on how we are walking in those bonds with Them. How are we honoring that relationship, showing gratitude to it, and living within those bonds? What is the exchange in that relationship – this is a good time to assess if what you are giving matches where you are with Them. For me, what I give in return to my Deities (offerings), changes depending on where that relationship is and what we are doing together.

I am not sure yet exactly where my path with Brigid will go or what lessons are ahead, but creative fire is definitely being felt. Not in Voice, that is Kari’s department, but within myself, the internal fires. I will consecrate Her cauldron, walk with Her, and see where She leads me.

Your Practices

What does this time mean for you? What are you feeling in it? Where is it leading you? Who or what is Guiding you through it?

Where are your practices headed? Are you feeling a shift or change in direction or need? How are you celebrating yourself and your own path?


I’d love to hear about it! Remember, we all have our own path and ways of moving on it. There is no “right” or “wrong” here, just what works for us and produces real results for us.

Card from the Dreams of Gaia Tarot deck
About Esa
Esa is a Crane Practitioner, High Priestess in the Temple of the Crane, Mother of White in the Sisters of the Well, as well as a CCRN specializing in neurology, cardiology, and Death Doula work. Through her writing, published works, courses, and community connections she sets the stage for personal transformation and personal path development through effective frameworks, skills, and being a Guide for others. Her personal work and tradition is rooted in the pattern of Death and Rebirth, personal transformation, soul healing, and Death Emissary work. If you want to learn more, check out her website and work! You can read more about the author here.
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