“When the walls come crumblin’ crumblin’, when the walls come tumblin’ tumblin’ down…” Yes, those are lyrics to a John Mellencamp song, however this happens to the best of us Pagans. And yes, this even applies to our non-Pagan friends and family. The world seems against you and you just can’t figure out why this is happening. You lost your keys, your cell phone or maybe even worse, your wallet or you got into a car accident. It could be very likely that your shields and wards are down.
If you already know how to shield and ward, you also need to know when they need reinforcing. However, if you never shielded and warded before, I would suggest learning how to as soon as possible.

Before we get into how to do this, let’s figure out the difference between the two. Shielding is for living things such as animals and people, especially yourself. Warding is for inanimate objects that you own including your computer, and medial, keys and most importantly your wallet and/or purse. This is something my elders, the Rev. Foxxy (Sher) Pullen and her late husband, Herm, teach in Three Fires Grove. I always put this on our discussion list for Sacred Wheel CUUPs at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair NJ.
Both shields and wards serve the same purpose — protection.
Now, vehicles fall into a gray area. They could fit into either category. They have wheels and move. Many of us treat them as if they were sentient or at least another child calling it their baby. So in my opinion and my elders’, they should be shielded instead of warded.
Warding is easier to handle, but shielding that could be tricky. How much you need to shield against something all depends on the situation and what your reasoned response should be. You could shield very well and not expose what’s bothering you. On the other hand, you could shield enough to let some stuff out to those with whom you are close.

I will never forget shortly after I learned how to ward and shield what happened next. My father was driving us home from my grandmother’s house on the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend. The interstate was a disaster. Traffic was beyond terrible. It felt like no matter how fast we were going someone was tailgating or cutting us off.
I was scared, so I grounded myself and then suddenly without much thought, shielded. I shielded so well there was no longer traffic in front or behind us. In fact, there was no traffic on the opposite side of the highway either. Way far into the distance behind and in front of us was the traffic we were in. No one in the car even noticed what I did and that is fine. They’d have freaked out if they knew. Far more protection than we needed, but as I said I was afraid.
There are all types of wards and shields. Some deflect energy, some send it right back to the person who attempted to hurt you. It depends on the situation. I suggest warding your house before a storm, including the perimeter- if only to keep the neighbors trees off the house.
Ward your items at work including your computer. It may seem silly to do all that but think about who has access to your office: they may not all be trustworthy. At my old office, we had strangers walking in left and right. Furthermore, unfortunately, we had an employee who didn’t care if something, open or partially hidden was theirs or not.

There are many reasons to shield yourself. You should have some form of a shield up at all times, every day. These circumstances include visiting with your not-so-Pagan-friendly family or going into a crowded place such as a shopping mall. The most important though, is probably when you go to a hospital, especially if you are an empath like me. Nonetheless, we all need to have our shields up in stressful situations. Whether it be harassment, bullies or a less than friendly coworker. Such shields can also keep you from being backed into by an unobservant driver, as I discovered. Now he got a strange look on his face when he bounced back, complete with the bulging eyes!
So now you may wonder when you need to strengthen your shields and/or wards. When crud starts coming through it is definitely time to do this. However, please check your wards and shields before you get to this point.
With time comes experience and you will begin to recognize when it’s time to re-enforce them. For empaths, when far too much that is not yours is getting in and affecting you, it’s time. Here;s a hint for the inexperienced. As a test, completely close your shield, take note of what you are experiencing in and of your own body. Then slowly reopen them. Remember how that felt.
This time of the year it is especially important to know how to shield and remember to do this often. There’s the beginning of a new school year and Jewish and Pagan religious holidays for some. Then in November the time changes back and this year national elections are coming up. Oh, and let’s not forget the national and Christian holidays sneaking up in between, in addition to all of that. Plus, the veil between the worlds is starting to thin, as the end of the Celtic year approaches. So yeah, without strong shields any or all of that could feel like the world is coming down on you.
So yes shield yourself, ward your personal property and while you’re at it, make sure you’re grounding and centering too. You need to take care of yourself; don’t forget it.
See also:
A sound bath can help ground you deeply when meditation is not enough
Finding that ‘go to’ place for easy grounding and centering and
Centering and grounding — two peas in a pod — can’t have one without the other