January 9, 2025

Let the Waters Fall A Prayer for California Rise from the ocean, Rise from the sea, Rise from the rivers, Rise water into the sky. Gather the waters that rise from the ocean, Gather the waters that rise from the sea, Gather the waters that rise from the rivers, Gather the clouds to hold the bounty of waters. Let the waters fall, to extinguish the fires. Let the waters fall, to end the destruction. Let the waters fall, to end... Read more

December 31, 2024

Looking Back, Looking ‘Round                 Many people take the end of the civil calendar as a time to look back over the past twelve months. This takes a very linear view of the passage of time. Myself, I prefer to look at the past four seasons to look around, and not just to look back.                 There is no question that we move forward in our understanding of time. The serial succession of days follows from one to another in... Read more

December 25, 2024

Keep the Lights On In the Northern Hemisphere, the days are already getting longer, slowly, minute by minute. While the holiday lights are still up, I think it would be prudent to keep the lights on for a while longer. Imbolc may be long enough, but maybe the Equinox would be better. During the Vietnam War, families would leave Christmas trees and holiday lights up until their family members in service would come home. It was a time to extend... Read more

November 8, 2024

I write today to my friends and compatriots who are disappointed, dismayed, or despairing about the results of the recent American election. For those who voted, we did what we could: one person, one vote. We voted with hope and with expectations. We have been fortunate in recent years to live and express ourselves and to practice more openly than ever before. Now, the future seems uncertain. We must now turn to our friends, families, and Kindreds for strength and... Read more

September 27, 2024

Lange Nacht de Religionen     When I first heard of the Lange Nacht de Religionen (Long Night of Religions), I was immediately intrigued by the name. I knew that our two German congregations, Holuntar-Hain and Adrana Hain Protogroves, would be present. The international ADF community has been an important part of my focus as Archdruid of ADF, and I thought it would be excellent to show my support for our German groups by attending. Berlin I had never been... Read more

August 31, 2024

A Change of Place When my mother passed away on February 29, I had to change her place in my daily workings from one of healing to that of the Ancestors. The transition is not always an easy one – from this side of the veil. The first part of my daily working has to do with healing. I call to three healing Goddesses and Gods, in order, for their help in bringing about a healing situation or maintaining a... Read more

June 30, 2024

For Eva. A Lingering Solstice We measure the solstice and equinox by scientific means. Not all things happen exactly as planned on the date preordained. One thing that I noticed this year, and other years before, is a lingering solstice. Practice and observance A lingering season may affect an ongoing practice. My own practices are slightly fluid, and do occasionally change depending upon the High Day, but an important part of one’s practice is more than just the “doing”. It... Read more

May 15, 2024

Everyday is (Earth) Mother Day Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to say, “thank you.” Thank you is the perfect way to rebuild or maintain already existing relationships. For those with daily devotional practices, especially if those practices include the Earth Mother, they should be used to thanking her daily for her bounty. For those with living Mothers, while you may have called them on Mother’s Day, make sure to call them today. Call them to say “hello;” call them... Read more

April 10, 2024

The Physiology of Wonder An Eclipse Reflection The experience of the eclipse is something I will never forget. The memory of that event will stay with me always. I have never seen anything like that before. The feelings it evoked, however, were very familiar. We have all had experiences with the unexpected and the unexplainable. Many of us are taught at an early age to rationalize away those experiences with a shake of the head, and subtle denial, and the... Read more

February 29, 2024

 The Far Side of the River When I went to see my mother yesterday, I knew the end was near. I really felt that her spirit had already moved on, but the body mechanics were still in place. In looking back over the last week or so, I had a lot of time to think while sitting with my mother. We didn’t share the same spirituality. She was a Roman Catholic, a European one, and a rather devout one. I,... Read more

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