I write today to my friends and compatriots who are disappointed, dismayed, or despairing about the results of the recent American election.
For those who voted, we did what we could: one person, one vote. We voted with hope and with expectations. We have been fortunate in recent years to live and express ourselves and to practice more openly than ever before. Now, the future seems uncertain.
We must now turn to our friends, families, and Kindreds for strength and support. It is time to act in our own sphere of influence moving forward into the future. We must protect ourselves and that which we hold dear.
The Earth Mother
For the Earth, our Mother, we must act with great care and compassion. The Earth is not just a resource to be consumed, it is a living breathing entity. It is divine, in my opinion, and not to be despoiled. Others will not share our reverence for the Earth. We must do what we can to preserve and protect her. Act locally and, wherever possible, help support those who act more globally. Pray. Make offerings.
The Kindreds
The Ancestors live in our memories, our bodies, and in our cultures. They are not only engrained in us, but they are also a part of the very grain of our existence. If we look deep inside of ourselves, we can find the vestiges of perseverance that carried them through difficult times. We need to follow that flame.
Nature Spirits
The Nature Spirits remind us that we are all part of the cycles of life. The good returns and the bad returns, and all of that will pass in front of our eyes. While it is easy to say, “this too will pass”, it is easier to say at the end of turmoil, rather than at the beginning. Between now and the time when “this too has passed”, there is much to lose. Nevertheless, the cyclical nature of reality should give us hope that our time in the sun will return. We need to brace ourselves for a time of darkness, because as we move forward, there is little talk of reconciliation. There is only talk of retribution.
Like the Earth Mother, the Nature Spirits will require our attention and our care, because they are not an unlimited commodity, but are reliant upon our attention and our care. Do not forsake them. They cannot protect themselves. Please extend the reach of your care to them, in any way that you can. As you strengthen the circle of friends, family, and loved ones, include those spirits of nature that you can extend your reach towards.
Shining Ones
The Shining Ones will continue on, but they should not be forgotten either. They endure, but like everything else, they require our devotion and our attention. The Gods are Gods of Magic. We may need to turn to them, often, in the months ahead. They are there, they are alive, and they listen. In your devotional and offertory work, as you need help, ask them for their presence and their help. Make offerings.
We must look to do our best locally, in our own worlds, in our own backyards, in our own small gardens. With those of a like mind, let us work together to ensure mutual aid and support, today and into the future. Hold on to what you believe and let it strengthen your resolve.
The Virtues
Most of all, be kind, follow the virtues, and lead by example.
Remember your integrity, even when the integrity of those in positions of power may be lacking.
Follow your vision, when the night seems darker than ever. Let it be your guiding light.
Retain your courage, when hope evades you. fear is a brutal adversary, but with the help of your friends, families, and loved one, may your courage not waiver.
Nurture your wisdom, for knowledge is power, even when it seems absent in these times.
Continue right practice, for piety honors the Gods and spirits in the world. These Gods and spirits endure, unlike some of the more fleeting movements of the moment. Prayer and devotion can provide a profound foundation for moving forward in troubled times.
Building your inner strength, through your own fortitude, through the community of others, through your faith, and through your perseverance. As we stand together, the power of community will sustain us and bolster us in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. This wheel will turn again.
Stand your ground. Persevere and hold to the path. Do not be diverted. Let the stream flow around you. This too is best accomplished through balance.
Practice moderation, for the Watercourse Way, the narrow way will strengthen our resolve by keeping us focused on the task at hand. Find your center and hold that center. Be like the willow, that bends but does not break.
Our greater virtue is hospitality, because that is the virtue that requires more than ourselves. While we will be hospitable in our communities, we will not tolerate hate in our midst. Hospitality is being a good host, and a good guest. While we will be welcoming, we will make sure our spaces are safe spaces.
Finally, plant the fertile garden of hope and dreams for the future. Growth and progress are hard, but if the seasons teach us anything, we know that spring will come again. Do positive workings.
Some further thoughts

I have to say that I am concerned about the future. We have seen a lot of radical rhetoric and behavior during the build up to the election, and the days after January 21st will tell us a lot about what to expect. There will be times for concern. For now, let us gather together. Let me offer some further thoughts.
I believe that the future may hold many challenges, and we must be ready, aware, and prepared. We must build our own communities into places of hope, of compassion, and of understanding. If our larger communities cannot support or sustain this, then we must find security and comfort in our smaller communities.
Whatever the former differences amongst ourselves have been in the past, it is time to look past those differences and strengthen the bonds of commonality between us. Let us find hope in ourselves, and when that hope is lacking, let us find hope in the community of like minded individuals.
Trust your intuition – it is there for a reason. Like with railroad crossings, stop, look, and listen.
If you need to speak or be with other people, find others. If others need to speak or be with others, if it is at all possible, be there for others.
Be vigilant. Trust is a precious commodity. Use it and give it with great care.
In the general population, be the best person you can. Lead by example, yet lead and act with wisdom and caution.
Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.
Be, breathe, believe.
Here for you
If you need to talk, to share, to breathe with another person, please know that I am here for you. Let’s build that community together.
Blessings and care,
Jean (Drum) Pagano