December 19, 2024

Stay tuned for a post on how you can create and tend your own Sacred Flame, whether you are part of a tradition or not! Read a post of mine from Yuletide 2022 called “Keep the Candle Burning” To Light a Sacred Flame The imagery that I love most this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere is that of the returning light; the return of the Sun. In the Sacred Pentagraph tradition, the Sacred Flame is kindled twice per... Read more

December 16, 2024

I figured I should write a post since it’s been a couple of months. There was about a month of time in which I had burned out quite a bit in terms of my spiritual practices. I was feeling overwhelmed in all areas of life, though: parenthood, spirituality, relationships, and my career. I’m definitely one of those people that enjoys having a full plate but can overwhelm myself if I forget to take breaks every now and again. So, here’s... Read more

September 16, 2024

It’s probably pretty safe to say that many Wiccans likely have a negative knee-jerk reaction to the word “faith.” I know that I did for the longest time, but I want to explore ways we might reconsider the use of the word. I may upset a few people with this post, which isn’t my intention, but I can’t please everyone. My hope is that I pose some thought-provoking questions, if nothing else. “Faith” has become a loaded, triggering word for... Read more

September 3, 2024

A Virgo New Moon on a Tuesday. Is anyone else feeling its aggressive energy? Because I’ve been getting knocked around by some spiritual and physical wallopers these past few days and it all came to a head this morning. I wrote a post last week about some of the changes brought by my initiations into Sacred Pentagraph and Horsa. Well, I’m here to tell you that the process is still unfolding and the ripple effects are far and wide! In... Read more

August 27, 2024

I was initiated into the Horsa and Sacred Pentagraph traditions this past July. My approach as a new initiate and student (again) is to ask as many questions about the traditions’ histories, lore, practices, and more. My initiator and mentor is very gracious and seems to always find time to answer my many questions. I remember well what it felt like to have my own initiates ask questions. Honestly, it felt great because their interest in something I held so dear... Read more

August 20, 2024

What good is Wicca as a religion? What good is Wicca when it doesn’t or can’t provide rote words of comfort for when a loved one suddenly passes or diagnoses of cancer? We don’t have any sacred texts that tell us what happens when we die, no central authorities to direct our religion as a whole…So what good is this religion if it doesn’t or can’t make us feel better when life sucks? For those of us in Traditional Wiccan... Read more

February 12, 2024

It’s been awhile since I wrote a blog post and it’s about high time that I give y’all an update! If you read my last post then you know that I’ve been in Hermit mode since giving birth to my daughter. I feel like I’ve been wandering in a cavern, feeling my hands along the walls as I am led down a path to who knows where. For the past few months, I’ve leaned in hard to my devotional practices... Read more

November 8, 2023

TW: references to thoughts of suicide, and episodes of anxiety and depression. 5 months ago my life changed forever because I gave birth to my daughter. The first two months were hell and every day I would wake up crying because I didn’t die in my sleep the night before. My postpartum hormones were an absolute wreck and I dealt with severe depression and anxiety. I’ve since gotten my meds and therapy worked out and things have much improved. But... Read more

May 22, 2023

Librarians are master curators when it comes to archives and both large and small collections of documents. Every library, whether it’s personal or private, has been curated by someone or multiple someones over generations. Academic libraries curate their materials based on the disciplines their programs cover, while public libraries curate materials based on the interests of their communities. And like larger libraries, our personal libraries are a reflection of our needs and interests over a period of years. Most pagans... Read more

February 28, 2023

What do we usually think of when we think of “work”? Maybe we think of productivity, a specific place (like an office), or exercise (working out). In all of those cases, we must labor, and for some of us, laboring is a struggle. What’s laborious for one person may be a breeze for another, which is why the “Work” I perform in my practice of Wicca may look nothing like anyone else’s. Regardless of what work looks like to you,... Read more

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