Introduction: Grimoire of the Crane Book

Introduction: Grimoire of the Crane Book August 12, 2024

I have always been a big believer in forging your own path and practices. Learning directly from our Guides, exploring a variety of frameworks and structures, listening to different and opposing ideas, creation through inspiration, developing personal tools, experimenting with all of it and finding what works for you.

book with green trees in the background

Crane Practice isn’t instructions to follow, it is frameworks and tools to help guide you to developing your own path, and that is exactly what this book is. Each one of us is different. We each have a blending of different styles, culture backgrounds, Deities we connect with, ways of moving and creating, and so forth. What we share are some foundational structures and understandings that allow us to hold space for each other, explore together, and share together.

There is a blending of science, magic, occult, and the mystical because together they can give us a deeper understanding not just of how things can work, but how to use the physical and spiritual together in alignment to achieve real and concentrated results. As a Crane Practitioner, I am results based – if it doesn’t work for me, then it is not useful to me.

I also know because something works for me, does not mean it will work for everyone – at least not without adjustments and changes that connect to them personally. We can all work from the same framework but what that looks like in execution can be wildly different. It is because we are layering in our own perspectives, connections, experiences, ways of working, associations, and so forth.

Crane Tradition is more of an inspiration then a set of hard core rules. Whether you are brand new and just trying to figure out where to start, or a seasoned practitioner and looking for new things to expand upon or spice things up – the Grimoire of the Crane  is for you.

There are parts that are going to sound familiar, and ones you probably never heard of before. There are going to be aspects you resonate with, and others that you will leave at the door.

There are additional topics listed for further exploration and research. There are exercises to experiment with and help you create from. There are new tools to be created by you and new ways to experiment with old tools. In the end, there is even an invitation for those who want a community to go deeper, go further with, experiment with and see what is possible.

book, table of contents page


So what kind of stuff is in there?

It starts with a different approach and changes of perspective. Understandings about the link between the body, mind, soul, energy, vibration, time, this World and the Otherworlds. Connecting to the Ancestral Soul, bringing it forth and accessing all the knowledge, skills and memories it possesses. To know ourselves, all the lives we carry within, completely.

book with words

It moves through the Master Pattern/ Cycle that can be found in micro and macro cycles of all things, from the creative process to shadow-work. From the surface level of understandings, to the deep back and forth rhythm spiral movement of living.

The Path of Colors takes you on a journey, step by step, moving you through your own growth and personal transformations. One flowing into the next and interconnected with Master cycle, the planets, the elements, and other energies to weave a different kind of magic built by you.

It goes into the basics of Soul Runes, the divination and full magical potential of them. Not just a tool but a complete magical system. How to create your own set and ideas to bond with them. Pairing the book with live demonstrations and ways to go deeper with and create from them on my YouTube channel.

book page with picture of a square broken into four sections with symbols and words

From Spirit communication, to developing your own practices and connections with Spirits. What it means to build a bond and exercises to go deeper. How to set a mirror as a window, or to invite spirits into for conversation. It also includes many other tools and methods to experiment with and to build up your psychic/ soul senses for that kind of work.

Things to consider and develop before casting a spell, to how to develop and cast your own. How to measure and gauge the work and put in checks when needed. Different types of magic, one-off spells to Living Spells, the elements of a spell and how to weave or blend them together. I feel the spells we develop and craft ourselves will always be more powerful for us then one we may find from another, because the connection and process of it connects us deeper to it. It is a basic skill all magical practitioners should develop, imo.

Crane Astrology

Crane Astrology is a blending of the Master Pattern, the Sky Clock (planets and constellations), esoteric understandings and the science of astronomy. It covers the actual movements and timing of the planetary bodies across the ecliptic, and the energetic magical understandings of their interactions.

Walking through the Moon and Sun’s micro and macro cycles, including the Sun’s daily, yearly, ages (100 and 2,100yr cycles), and the Great Cycle of 25,200 years – what that movement looks like in the constellations and what it means for us as practitioners and for nature as a whole.

This section may be harder for some, because it is a completely new system from the perspective of the constellations, planetary energies, and timing. There will be some resonance with other astrology models because the stars are ancient, these patterns are not new or foreign to us, but the perspective of them, what they mean, changes culture to culture. We also have modern tools to measure all of this in real time, not having to rely on estimated calculations of them that fall out of sync over time. When experimenting in this section do so from the mind-set of “this is a completely different system” and see what changes for you. You will understand more when you read the whole thing.

In the End

I get asked a lot about my own personal practices and how I developed them. I also get asked often about “where should I start?” This is my answer now – the Grimoire of the Crane. These are the things that have shaped me, shaped my practices, shaped my path and my connections.

I am a Crane. I am not alone, there are other Crane Practitioners out there. We all look a little different because that is the freedom and beauty of the Crane Tradition. It is a bond that brings us together though, and a place we all stand together in.

No matter what route you take – whether you read this book or not – consider yourself a Crane or not – Walk your own path! Be bold, push boundaries, and discover for yourself what is possible! Be inspired by others, but use that inspiration to experiment, adjust, make mistakes, get messy, and find your own power within!

*Note: If you are taking this year’s Death’s Emissary course  you will have access to the PDF version of this book inside our private server, which is now open to participants so you can read this and explore all the other extra resources before we begin classes in October!

About Esa
Author, Oracle, Guide, and Teacher of the Death's Emissary/ Death Doula course. "You are building your own path, your own connections, and shaping your own destiny. We can inspire others through sharing - we can Guide through our own experiences - but each of us must walk our own path." *some links in these articles may be associated with amazon You can read more about the author here.
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