After every Death Emissary class we spend time in post discussion, a time for them to ask questions, to go deeper into the material, as well as, sharing their own experiences and perspectives. Yesterday’s class was about the Staff and Hood, two tools in Spirit work but also used for self development of skills such as psychic senses. We were talking about the Stitch magic aspect that can be applied to the Hood and felt it was a good topic for today.
We commonly see things such a charmed items and spell bags to carry certain spells with us as we move through our day. The problem I personally run into is, sometimes it is not possible or appropriate to carry something separate like that. Let’s be real here, women’s clothing has very limited pocket access and the pockets we do get are generally more for look than practical use. Charmed jewelry is another option, but depending on your activity may not be workable. Then if you have children and want to imbue some Magic-to-go for them, neither of these options are really well suited for the task.
This is where stitch magic can really step up in our magical practices. Taking any piece of ordinary clothing and transforming it into a magical power house.
Women’s Sewing Circle Cartoon
Stitch Magic
I think of stitch magic from the perspective of sewing, embroidery, needle-point, knitting, and crochet. I put weaving and braiding into a different category of magic because the way I bring the energies together is different.
Stitch Magic allows us the ability the imbue any material item with various different kinds of magic through the use of sigils, symbols, colors, and more. It can be hidden from sight, or it can be elaborately done, where to the unknowing eye looks just like a decoration but the crafter knows the magic within. When talking about creating a whole garment, whether by sewing or knitting for example, every stitch or design can contain spell work.
You also do not have to be some master at sewing or stitching to do this work. I would consider myself a novice at best. I know how to use the tools and can put it together, that does not mean it is coming out all fancy or pretty by any means. If you have never sown anything before in your life or you want to learn how to crochet, knit, or anything else – we live in an age of technology and YouTube has it all. Like everything, practice and time are the key.
Sigils and Symbols
I would say most of us use sigils, symbols, or seals in a variety of ways. Essentially a picture that represents a spell. When using stitch magic in this way, all you are doing is taking that spell, in that form, and transferring it into the clothing/ material. Thus when you wear that particular piece, you are harnessing the power within it.
I prefer to do this type of stitch magic on the inside or hidden places of the clothing. As I said, I am not great at making it pretty, but pretty isn’t the point – the point is the magic. It is also a great way to imbue that spell-crafting into your families clothing, especially children.
Protection is the one most people think of first for good reason, but I encourage you to think bigger too. Maybe your child is having a tough time making friends or concentrating at school – so give them a boost of magic to help. Perhaps your partner works in a toxic work-place – protect their energy but also give them boosts of creativity and joy in themselves.
Don’t have a sigil for what you need? Create one! You can keep empowering the sigil/ symbol in your witchy workspace and it is will power up all the sigils of that kind wherever they are.
If you are knitting or crocheting, different patterns of stitch can be formed to create the same effect as a sigil. When first starting out I suggest looking at the stitch and what you feel it represents to you, what kind of energy do you feel in it. There can also be cultural meanings behind stitches already that you can use. For example, on the Aran Islands of Ireland, each of the clans had a specific design and pattern for their sweaters . Each stitch itself had a specific meaning behind it as you can see in the picture below. Again this is just an example and a way to think about it. You may have your own cultural or personal meanings – or develop them.
Color Magic
Because your are using thread or yarn, this is a great opportunity to bring in additional energies and magical allies. You can use just one color or a range of colors depending on the spell and your needs. If you are doing multiple sigils, use colors that really energize the core of each intention.
If you are crocheting or knitting, choose the color or colors that fit the overall energy you are infusing into the work. For example, if I was creating a sweater with a mix of multiple spells/ patterns and I did not want a multi-color product, I would choose one color that overlaps all the different spells or a neutral color such as white, cream, or gray. From an artists standpoint these are absorption colors, blank slates that can take on any form. If it was from a protective standpoint though, protecting the wearer – their money – their heart – their sovereignty, etc, I would probably go with a darker and richer color such as black, burgundy, or navy. Again, these are all just my own perspective and to give you some inspirations to think about for yourself.
Remember, Color magic is individual. It is about the feelings and emotions those colors illicit in you. What you associate with them. What they represent to you.
Going Deeper
There are many other modes of our practice that we can incorporate into stitch magic to increase their power.
The Tools
Whether it is a needle, sewing machine, crochet hook, or knitting needles, you can turn them into magical tools. Just like any other tools in our craft we can consecrate them, bind them to our energy, and transform them into our own personal magical tool.
You can do this through intention, infusing them with moon or sunlight, use oils on them, draw sigils or symbols them, whatever your method is. I would suggest linking them to your creation fire within, linking it directly to your personal power, that way it remains versatile for whatever kind of magic you want to create with it. I have also seen people have different ones for different kinds of magic such as one for protections, one for money magic, and so forth. That is a bit much for me personally, so I just bind them to me.
Many of us use oil or sacred waters in a variety of ways. Since we are working with string and yarn in stitch magic, it presents a great opportunity to blend those practices.
For example, if I was creating a protective stitch magic, I could use my protection oil. I’d place it one my fingers and run it down the length of the thread I was going to use and speak, chant or sing the intention I wanted it do. Thus infusing the thread with another layer of my magic.
Infusing Intention
Spoken magic is an important part of my practice. The aspect of Voice and the power of vibration that it creates. Whether it is spoken, chanted, or sung, we can infuse our emotion, vibration, energy, and intention into the stitch magic as we do the physical task of creating it.
There are many stories about women sewing circles. Often we hear the about the gossip side of it, but many of the old stories also talk about them singing folk songs. The more I dove into folk songs the more I saw, not just the story or lesson, but the magic they could have been weaving into the stitch work. From a modern perspective, many songs today could also have this quality applied. It is not just the words, but the emotions the music itself illicits in us. Emotion can empower and amplify intention – so be careful what emotions you are bringing forth in this way so that it matches the intention you are wanting to create.
Trance State
Stitch magic can also induce a trance state. I personally see his more in knitting and crochet, but that could also be because sewing takes more concentrated effort for me. None the less, it can be a good activity to help us slow down and be in that rhythmic state for trance work. To allow our soul to wander, experience, and receive messages, as our body and conscious mind perform the repetitive task of stitching (depending on your skill level and what kind of stitching you are doing).
The Hood
As I mentioned in the beginning, this discussion stemmed from our lass discussion about the Hood used in Spirit work. The hood is not just a piece of sacred clothing but a tool. One that we can use stitch magic in order to enhance power, as well as, infuse “hot-keys” to particular spirit allies that assist us in that work. So whenever that hood is used, it will automatically activate those particular bonds.
Currently I am creating a new hood for myself for some specific work. I will be stitching the 4 Guardians of the Temple. They not only form sacred space wherever I am, but they also have their own energy and magic they contribute to the work. I will be stitch in my symbol for my ancestors along with the one for my Goddess.
There are many ways to incorporate stitch magic into our practices, expand upon our practices, and create new modes to deliver and carry magic with us in our mundane lives.
Do you use stitch magic?
What are aspects or methods you like to use?
What are some additional methods or applications you have found?
Esa is a Crane Practitioner, High Priestess in the Temple of the Crane, Mother of White in the Sisters of the Well, as well as a CCRN specializing in neurology, cardiology, and Death Doula work. Through her writing, published works, courses, and community connections she sets the stage for personal transformation and personal path development through effective frameworks, skills, and being a Guide for others. Her personal work and tradition is rooted in the pattern of Death and Rebirth, personal transformation, soul healing, and Death Emissary work.
If you want to learn more, check out her website and work! You can read more about the author here.