At some point in the day we jump onto our social media feed. For some it may be just one specific platform, for others they will scroll through several. We flip through to see what our friends and family are doing. We see what the people we follow are up to and check in on different groups. Then depending on our mood and what is going on, we contribute to our own feed – our own sharing. Perhaps it is a funny meme because we want to be entertained. Perhaps you are upset and wanting to vent and want support from others.
Social media has become woven into our society in many ways. We have spaces where we interact with others, and then our personal space to express ourselves. There are many shades of gray throughout, because the people feeding it are many shades of gray.
There is a darker side of social media as well – ingrained into the design and coding of it, something beyond the people using it and part of its creation.
Magic and spirituality is also there… not in just in context and conversation, but the actual act of it.

Avatar of the Avatar
If we think of the body being the avatar of the soul – then we can also see our social media feed as an avatar of ourselves. I can also see the similarities between our social media “face” similar to a type of servitor in the sense of being an extension of us. What we choose to engage in, what we choose to give our energy and attention to, and with what we put out on it – all shapes both that servitor as well as our body/soul.
We are spiritual, magical people. These concepts are not alien to us, nor the belief in the validity of these concepts. If we see them in servitor and other similar entities we create from our own energy – then you should also be able to see this playing out in the realm of social media. We choose a representation of ourselves (true or imagined) and feed it with what we put there, what we give our attention to, and who we allow to interact with it.
I have been thinking about this for years, but recently am I starting to see the depth of it, especially when it comes to the energetic/ magical side.
My Deities Have Opinions
My Deities have been telling me this for years. Each having Their own degree of hatred, as well as, appreciation of it as a tool.
The Morrigan saw it as a great way to share. My personal experiences – The messages She wanted passed along – A place to potentially grow community. She had a lot of stipulations and “rules” for me around all of this. All of my foundation work comes into play when interacting on social media – because it is a reflection of me – thus it is a part of me on an energetic level. What is there, how I interact, what I choose to share, is a reflection of who I am in that moment.
I know this is not true for everyone. I know some use the anonymity of the internet to let all their darkness out to play. I know others who devise an image and life that that wish to have – projecting that through the feed. I am not going to say any of this is wrong or right. I see pros and cons for them, but because of how I see all of it, and because of what my Guides have stated, I choose the path of authentic self. This does not make me “better” – just a personal choice.
Hel really doesn’t care about social media itself – but She does have strong opinions on the repercussions of it. The distraction it creates from personal growth and a deep disconnect between people. Hel is most concerned with the souls in the Well – transitioning between this life and their next. The problems that arises with stagnant personal growth, not doing deep internal reflection and healing, is that all of that work then is put off for the time when we are in the Well. The less we do this in life, the longer we have to spend reconciling all this in death – and according to Her, the Well is getting crowded.
Santa Muerte seems to have a very set perspective of social media, at least at this point for me – and one that inspired this article. She sees it in the form of another type of avatar of ourselves – a special kind of servitor type spirit. One that has to be extremely careful as to what you are feeding it and how it is interacting in that space. It is a space that is shaping us just as much as our living life, but on an even higher macro scale because it really is a place that is bound deeply in emotion and energy.
I want to note here – all these things, the Well, my perspectives and beliefs all come from my communication with my Guides. I personally listen and trust Them above all else because They have never led me wrong. Others may have different views and perspectives – that’s fine.
Also the “Judgment”/ reconciling in death is us judging ourselves – not some outside force or Deity, I will get deeper into that another day – but wanted to include it here as a foot note.

Stepping Back
The messages and work with the Santa Muerte on this particular subject has brought a deeper perspective. The implications beyond just the ones commonly spoke on – a part of them but a deeper level to them. A deeper consideration and awareness of the implications on a spiritual level.
The past month or so I have stepped back from my social media. I still post links to articles and videos on the Temple’s page that I feel are useful. I am posting some fun memes to inspire or bring a chuckle – but I have not been actively engaging with it. I haven’t been scrolling and interacting as much. I have not been posting my deeper thoughts and conversations. I just needed to step back for minute and evaluate what I am really doing there.
I have always been choosy about what social media I use and the why behind it.
I don’t use Twitter, or whatever they are calling themselves these days, because it was more politically driven and short format which I feel discourages deep discussion. To me it just felt like a tool to divide more than bring together.
Instagram is really not my thing. It has a lot of pretty pictures but I just don’t feel the deeper conversation. It also seems to be a huge hub for fake people – and that is just annoying to me to say the least.
TikTok is a huge hit or miss for me. It really just depends on what you are there for. It is ok every now and then when I just want something entertaining, but the energy there is so chaotic and unstable. People tried to convince me that it was necessary for any author/ brand to get exposure… but at the core I am a person, not a “brand.” Exposure is good, but the platform that exposure happens on, the core energies there, I think matters too. Also the conversations, the deep ones, just don’t seem to happen much there.
Facebook. It is funny, but facebook is my primary platform and for one reason – It is set up and allows for the deep conversations. It is set up in a way where we can actually develop community online. I will never deny there is a bunch of sketchy there too – all of them are set up that way – but it at least has the structure for deep talk and interaction. I hear all the time that facebook is dead – only the old people use it – but that is just simply not the case.
In the end – my primary use and want from a platform is deeper conversation – exploring theories and perspectives – sharing ideas and experiences – and connecting to real people. If I can not do that on a platform, it is a waste of my time that can be spent on my own growth or my physical life.

What We Are Feeding Ourselves
Since social media is a non-physical space we are entering, we are experiencing that space through our emotions and more physic senses. There are words, pictures, and videos, but what is being elicited is emotion, not the physical senses as we would if we were experiencing in the material world. Thus I feel we are really experiencing that space on an energetic level similar to walking in spirit.
So I started questioning what I was energetically feeding myself.
What was I engaging in?
What type of people were in my feed and what kind of energy were they feeding to this space?
What conversations were just filler and what was actually bringing forth ideas, constructive debate, and in alignment with my growth?
I looked at these things from the perspective of what the algorithm was feeding me, what I was seeking out directly, and then what I was putting out into the world in my own.
Being Choosy
I have always had different level of choosiness when it came to social media – but I have also tolerated too much just because of the different roles I play there. Allowing certain things due to pressure from another – such as not deleting useless comments that were meant to troll, not just give an opposing opinion. I am good with opposing opinions – but trolls are something else.
I am also consciously aware of what I am sharing on my own and how personal I get. Boundaries are important to me.
During this break – the things I was posting felt so distant from me – like filler, and to be honest it was filler. There was nothing that created real or deep conversation. Just memes and surface stuff, yet they were getting higher engagement in the forms of likes (not communication, just clicking a face). Was this the algorithm, or is this really why more people are on social media – to just get quick entertainment?
If the later is the case, then what kind of energy am I feeding others? What kind of energy am I feeding myself? What am I allowing this reflection of me to become?
The Decisions
If my presence on social media is a reflection of myself – then my personal feed, that which I put out, is a sacred space. To see it as sacred will also guide what I decide to do there moving forward, and which ones I choose to engage with.
I am here for connecting with others – real conversation, exploration of perspectives, sharing experiences and ideas, and supporting each other. If I am not getting that, then is it serving me, my purpose, and my energy?

Ending Thoughts
I understand that most people probably do not think about social media to this depth or probably don’t even care. As spiritual/ magical people though, I do feel it is important to do some personal reflection on this. What you choose to do, how you view it, and if you make adjustments from that reflection is up to you. There is no right or wrong. The reflection time I think is important though, especially if you spend a lot of time there.
I think social media can be an amazing tool for us. An incredible platform to learn and be inspired through. It gives us the ability to connect with others like us, or who understand us when we can not find that in our physical space. It allows us to meet people and build relationships/ friendships we would not be able to without it. For a magical practitioner who wants community, it can be an incredible tool to find them….
Social Media can also be very toxic and damaging.
If you view your social media platform as a sacred space and a reflection/ part of your energy – does what it looks like right now reflective of that sacredness?
If that energy, what you give it and what you engage with on it, is feeding you – what kind of energy are you feeding yourself?