I owe you (and Patheos) a blog post. As a Pagan who owns a metaphysical store and ghost tour company, as well as being clergy for a Wiccan church and Norse kindred, October is not only Holy Month, it’s busy month. This year I was blessed to also attended Hekate’s Sickle Festival the first weekend of November. Then there was Tuesday, election day, and the rest of the week has been filled with feelings of despair, shock, fear and betrayal.
As a minister, as a community leader, as a priestess, I feel like I am supposed to have advice, if not answers. But I don’t. I do not have any original thoughts when it comes to giving advice, post-election. Like most others, I agree that reaffirming your connections with your loved ones and community is of the upmost importance. We have to take care of ourselves emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. I encourage each of you to continue to find the little joys in your life. Hold those moments dear – they help us remember what we are fighting for.
I did not want to write about the election. Everyone is, and as I said, I don’t have a lot of original thoughts to add. But the election is the only thing on people’s minds right now, including mine. I keep trying to find something else to write about, but any other ideas I had for a post have evaporated.
I do have two points I would like to make about our new world order.
Set an Example Out Loud
As a priestess, community leader, as a minister – there are benefits to showing your feelings. You’re not going to see me cry, or fight, or have a public melt down. But I learned long ago, that as a priestess, if I want attendees at the ritual to be willing to share their thoughts, or get up and dance to a song, then I have to do it first. It is my job to make my space – whether in ritual or in community – a safe space for you to be yourself, and a safe space for you to participate. I have found that one of the best ways to do that is to lead by example. If I want you to sing and chant, then I have to lead the singing. If I want you to dance and raise energy, then I have to do it first. This goes double for those things that I don’t feel like I am good at and will be self-conscious doing it – like singing and dancing.

We are all having so many emotions that most of us are having a hard time keeping them all to ourselves. Perhaps, in this case, I don’t need to set an example of sharing feelings. But maybe I can set the example of doing so mindfully, with intention. I am having emotions now that I have never had. I come with a lot of privilege. I’m white. I present straight (usually, mostly, depending on who you ask). I am still grasping on to my middle class lifestyle. I am married to a cis-het man. Over the years, I have felt somewhat marginalized by society for my religious and lifestyle choices. But I have never felt in danger. And I think that there are many people, many women, who for the first time are also feeling like they are less than human. As if our lives and rights might be snatched from our hands at any second.
Many of Us Have New Feelings – It’s OK
This is not a new feeling to so many Americans. Anyone who is BIPOC, anyone who is part of the LGBTQIA+ community, this is a reality for them. It is new to some of us. But let us draw strength and inspiration from our BIPOC and Queer friends and community. They have always lived in a country that sees no value in their lives or their achievements. Let us learn from them how to not only survive but thrive in a hostile environment. Let us learn from our grandmothers, our omas, our nonas, our big mommas who lived in a society that saw women as chattel, as less than a man. This is not new for them either.
Listen to Your Gods
My other piece of advice is listen to the gods. The gods have been calling us for a while now. If you know about and believe in the tower time, you have likely felt the call of your gods or even new ones. Many of the gods have been particularly active these last few years, recruiting us to help them.
Go to your altars. Make offerings. Sit and listen for their words if you can. Find a space of silence in yourself. We need our gods now more than ever, and they need us. Is this the war they have been talking about? I’m not confident enough to promise you that it is, but I believe this is part of it at least.

In the days, weeks, and months ahead I encourage you all to find your community. Find it online but find it in person where you can. There is nothing quite like a circle of like minded people. Find your small joys, and hopefully they will lead you to bigger joys. Take care of yourself. Listen to your gods. And don’t forget what Loki told us. We will need him and our tricksters in the times ahead.