December 6, 2024

Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not here to sell you fire insurance, pitchforks, or eternal harp lessons. But I am here to talk about hell—or at least my particular flavor of it. And spoiler alert: my version doesn’t involve eternal conscious torment or an underground barbecue. But it does involve correction, accountability, and maybe even a metaphorical whoopin’. (Because let’s be real: some folks could use one.) First off, yes, I’m a universalist. But before you get visions of... Read more

November 22, 2024

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) made a landmark decision: it removed homosexuality from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-II), marking a monumental shift in how society viewed gay people. This decision came after years of advocacy, scientific research, and cultural change, and while it didn’t immediately end the stigma, it was a significant step forward. Still, the pathologizing label of “homosexual” lingers in our language, carrying with it the weight of... Read more

November 21, 2024

Every year on November 20th, we pause to observe Trans Day of Remembrance, a solemn occasion to honor the lives of transgender individuals lost to violence and hatred. It’s a day of grief, reflection, and, hopefully, a catalyst for change. Yet, as I reflect on the state of the American Christian church, I can’t help but acknowledge the collective failure to protect and uplift some of the most vulnerable in society. Jesus commanded his followers to care for the marginalized,... Read more

November 20, 2024

There are books that entertain, books that inform, and then there are books that dismantle harmful ideologies while offering hope to those who’ve suffered under them. Seth Showalter’s Finally Free is one such book—a transformative read that courageously confronts the damage wrought by conversion therapy and the broader cultural and religious rejection of the LGBTQ+ community. As someone who has spent years calling out the toxic theology that harms so many, I couldn’t be more enthusiastic about this book and... Read more

November 19, 2024

On a recent episode of Heretic Happy Hour, Keith Giles and I took on some heavy topics—issues that stick in your soul long after the microphones are turned off. If you caught our discussion, you know we dove headfirst into the documentary For Our Daughters, Kristen Du Mez’s searing exploration of sexual assault within the church. This episode wasn’t just hard-hitting; it was necessary. It challenged us to confront a question the institutional church has failed to ask: why do... Read more

November 18, 2024

We’ve often heard that history is written by the victors, but when it comes to how religious institutions handle sexual abuse, the truth is more often buried. That’s why our recent Heretic Happy Hour conversation with Jules Woodson and Tiffany Thigpen—two incredible women featured in the documentary For Our Daughters—felt so urgent. Their stories highlight not only the harm inflicted by abusers but the systemic failures within evangelical communities that perpetuate silence and suffering. The Systemic Rot of Silence and... Read more

November 15, 2024

Washington, DC — President elect Donald J. Trump has made a lot of boisterous and public promises, but one that has, until now, slipped under the radar is a new executive order that he plans on implementing on day one of his second term. The order, dubbed the “Promoting Equal Diversity in Orchestration,” or P.E.D.O., is an idea that the Trump team has stated will “unite the American people around cherished songs we all know and love.” The order lays... Read more

November 15, 2024

For centuries, the word “sodomite” has been flung around like a theological dodgeball, aimed squarely at queer folks by those who apparently skipped the part of the Bible where God commands love and compassion. But what if I told you the term has been misused? What if, instead of fixating on consensual relationships between adults, we took the Bible at its word—specifically Ezekiel 16—and used “sodomite” as a label for those who fail to care for the poor, the immigrant,... Read more

November 14, 2024

Growing up in evangelical circles, I was practically marinated in end-times theology. The Antichrist, Gog and Magog, the head wound, the mark of the beast—it was all there, baked into our dinner table conversations and Sunday school lessons. If a politician sneezed in the wrong direction, someone was ready with a chart, a Bible, and a laser pointer to prove they were the Antichrist. For a while, it felt like every world leader got a turn in the hot seat.... Read more

November 13, 2024

I was living 15 minutes away in Chico when the Camp Fire ignited on November 8, 2018. For those unfamiliar with California’s grim tradition of naming wildfires, this one is infamous for its devastation: Paradise, California, was nearly wiped off the map. Eighteen thousand structures disappeared in just three and a half hours. It was as if a nightmare script had been unleashed on an unsuspecting town. But this isn’t just a story about loss—it’s about what comes after. What... Read more

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