January 28, 2025

The Logos Concept during Antiquity During antiquity, Judaism, Hellenism, and other cultures had a concept known as logos in the Greek language. It usually was understood as “word,” “mind,” or “reason.” It generally was believed that God or gods related to human beings and communicated to them by means of this logos. Regarding God, it often was understood as “the word of God.” Greeks Platonists conceived of a pleroma of aeons between divinity and humans, with the logos being chief... Read more

January 27, 2025

[This article is post #4 of a multi-post review of Richard Bauckham’s book “Son of Man”: Volume 1: Early Jewish Literature. Click here to go to post #1.] Was Daniel Written in 6th or 2nd Century BCE? Most modern scholars of the Old Testament have strongly asserted that the apocalyptic book of Daniel—which claims to have been written in the 6th century BCE and purports to present much prediction about the future—was written in the 2nd century BCE, during the... Read more

January 23, 2025

[This is post #3 of a multi-post review of Richard Bauckham’s book “Son of Man”: Volume 1: Early Jewish Literature. Click here to read post #1.] The Son of Man in The Parables Is a Man In Richard Bauckham’s book, “Son of Man”: Volume 1: Early Jewish Literature, Chapter 1.4 is entitled “The Identity of ‘That Son of Man.’” It is about the identity of the Son of Man in The Parables of Enoch and whether this figure is presented... Read more

January 22, 2025

[This article is post #2 of a multiple-post review I am doing of Richard Bauckham’s book, “Son of Man”: Volume 1: Early Jewish Literature (Eerdmans, 2023). Click here to see post #1.] In Richard Bauckham’s book “Son of Man”: Volume 1: Early Jewish Literature (2023), in his chapter on “The Messianic Figure … in the Parables of Enoch,” he informs that the renaissance of scholarly interest in the ancient Book of Enoch, which is more precisely identified as 1 Enoch,... Read more

January 22, 2025

I Love “Son of Man Study” [This “post #1” is the first of a series of posts that are a review of Richard Bauckham’s book, “Son of Man”: Volume 1: Early Jewish Literature.] My favorite biblical study for about the past thirty years has been what scholars call “Son of Man study.” It is because, according to the New Testament (NT) gospels, Jesus used this expression, “the Son of Man,” and applied it to himself way more than any other... Read more

January 21, 2025

President Donald Trump recounted Monday in his Inauguration Day about the assassination attempt on his life last summer in Pennsylvania at a political rally. He had amazingly turned his head at the very instant when the assassin’s bullet stuck his ear, making it quite bloody. As he was standing at the lectern, his body guards pushed him down to protect him. Seconds later Mr. Trump stood up, raising his right hand with clenched fist and shouting at his perceived assassin... Read more

January 20, 2025

Donald F. Trump was sworn in on this Inauguration Day as U.S. president for the second time, but this time without placing his hand on the Bible. His wife, Melania, stood beside him holding two Bibles. The first time Mr. Trump was sworn-in as president, in 2017, he held up his right hand as a promise to protect the U.S. Constitution and placed his left hand on a Bible as if to verify his promise before the God of the... Read more

January 17, 2025

This weekend in Washington, D.C., NASA and Carnegie Science are celebrating a centennial discovery at the 245th meeting of the American Astronomical Society. It is Edwin Hubble’s discovery with his telescope in 1923 of a star outside of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is home to our Earth. Previously, most astronomers had thought our galaxy was the only one in our universe so the edge of our Milky Way Galaxy was the edge of the universe. Instead, Hubble’s discovery of... Read more

January 13, 2025

President Joe Biden will exit the White House in one week with his legacy severely tarnished by his response to the ongoing fifteen-month Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip. Israel had responded to the Hamas attack that killed about 1,200 Israeli Jews in one day, on October 7, 2023, by invading the Gaza Strip and so far killing over 45,000 Palestinians, with the large majority of them being civilian casualties. This disproportionate killing has angered much of the world. But... Read more

December 23, 2024

Nearly all scientists who study global warming/climate change have been warning that most of it is due to humans burning fossil fuels since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, 150 years ago. One of its destructive results is that it is causing oceans to rise as a threat to flooding coastal areas. In the U.S. insurance companies are now beginning to withdraw their offerings of flood insurance in some coastal areas of Florida and other states. Yet president-elect Donald Trump... Read more

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