January 30, 2025

    I opened my door at the end of the world. Everything is happening so fast. Every time we turn around, there’s something else to react to. My dear friend across the country keeps sending me messages about the immigration raids. The neighborhood is full of families who can’t find their fathers. They don’t care if you’re a criminal, and they don’t care if they’ve got the right person; they just seem to want to fill their trucks. Her... Read more

January 29, 2025

  The cross is to carry. The cross is to lift high so the martyr can see it through the flames. To die to self upon, daily, as many times as it takes. The cross is to contemplate. To help each other bear. To lighten for one another when we can. The cross is to pray that God let it pass from you, but that the Father’s will be done. To trace on the forehead at baptism, and at Confirmation,... Read more

January 25, 2025

It seems I have to remind people that empathy is not a sin. In case you’ve been living under a rock this week, get back under it, because I’m going to talk about a situation involving President Trump. On Monday, we had the inauguration of Donald Trump, and I’ve made my opinion quite clear about Trump. This isn’t about him. It’s about the woman who preached a sermon to him, Bishop Mariann Budde– or rather, it’s about the reaction to... Read more

January 19, 2025

  I drove out to the overlook at Fernwood State Forest, not feeling too well. Adrienne was with me. We listened to the radio and chatted, casually, as we so often do now. I wish someone had told me sooner that when you stop being a homeschooling mother, you don’t stop being a mother. In fact, it’s easier to be a mother, because you’re not a drill sergeant constantly wielding a math book. You just have to be a mom.... Read more

January 18, 2025

  I’m not going to watch the inauguration. I don’t see why anyone would. We all know what’s going to happen. The inauguration will be attended by the richest men in the world. Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Musk will be honored guests. Other CEOs will be there. Right wing populist demagogues from all around the world will be there. Cardinal Dolan, who never met a rich and powerful politician he didn’t want to curry favor with, will be there. Franklin Graham,... Read more

January 16, 2025

  We’re having a snowy winter. We haven’t had a snowy winter in at least two years. Last year it only snowed for two weeks, and the year before that was even milder. Instead of  a proper freeze, we have been tending towards three whole months of the worst part of February, rain and clouds and fog with no snow.  I was afraid we’d never see a proper snow again. This year, it’s snowed. We had snow before Christmas, a... Read more

January 13, 2025

It started with a chicken stir fry. I am very good at reading labels. I have to be. But this package wasn’t labeled. The grocery store had donated all their soon-to-expire meat to the wonderful little food pantry in town for a tax break. We were having a bad week, so I went to the pantry and came home with the stir fry, whose label must have fallen off somewhere in the great big meat freezer. I saw the discount... Read more

January 10, 2025

Hello friends, this isn’t a real post. I’m writing an actual post in a tab right now. This is just the every-several-weeks boilerplate about what I’ve done lately, where to catch me when I’m not on Patheos, and how to keep my lights on so I can keep writing! This past holiday season has been bleak and bright all at the same time in the Pezzulo household. Here on the Patheos blog, I finally put my garden to bed for... Read more

January 6, 2025

It was a difficult night. Things have been a bit easier. I will never not have religious trauma, but I’ve been able to go to Mass most of the time, stimming in the back instead of sitting in the pews, only stepping outside once in awhile to catch my breath. I have gone from feeling as if I’d rather claw my skin off than go to confession, to wishing that I could find a way to go to confession without... Read more

January 6, 2025

  One thing’s for sure: you’re going to have to get used to being a pest. You are only going to get through the next four years with your conscience intact, if you get over yourself and are willing to be a pest. When your country falls to Christian Nationalism, a Christian who realizes that Nationalism is heresy is obliged to be a pest. When people are acting as though a Caesar, any Caesar, a tsar or an emperor or... Read more

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