January 16, 2025

Happy Feast of St. Anthony! New to Celebrating St. Anthony’s Feast Last year I thought I’d try to do a monthly “Lives of the Saints” style article. I didn’t keep that up all year, but with the new year I thought maybe I would try again. When searching for which Saint I wanted to research and write about this month, I found it coincidental (or rather Providential) that St. Anthony, the desert father, was among the list of January names.... Read more

January 10, 2025

Christmas season hit me a little different this year. Happily, we moved into our house before Christmas, but we spent most of advent waiting, without our own home to decorate or prepare in. Because of this, I think my brain was reaching for something to make our new house feel like home for the season. I was thinking back to happy childhood Christmases and what made them special. For the first time in a while, I felt an overwhelming nostalgia.... Read more

January 4, 2025

Think back to your life one year ago. Did you make New Year’s resolutions last year? Did you keep them? The reality is that unless you were extremely intentional and disciplined about a practice, there are very few things that you did every day in 2024. Life is unexpected, it comes in seasons. Maybe our goals and expectations should match. Life Changes Life is full of change and unexpected twists. Even though I know it is coming every week, it... Read more

September 10, 2024

Tossing one object and catching it is a classic game of catch. Two objects thrown by each hand and caught is surprisingly more difficult; however, it is still catch being played simultaneously by each hand. Add a third item, and now you’re juggling. But what does juggling have to do with existence? We all Juggle in Some Way In middle school, I taught myself to juggle. I don’t know why. Maybe I had an aspiration of putting on an entertaining... Read more

August 24, 2024

“This saying is hard, who can accept it?” is what the apostles say after hearing Jesus say, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” (cf. John 6:60 and John 6:56) The Eucharist is Hard to Accept This phrase appears in the Gospel reading this Sunday in John 6 which we have been reading for a few weeks now. John 6 contains the bread of life discourse where Jesus teaches about the Eucharist.... Read more

August 20, 2024

“Quality over quantity” is the common saying, as if one is better than the other. The quote implies that quality and quantity are different things. I prefer to see them as two measurements of one thing. Quality and Quantity The choice is not between quality or quantity. The question is not how good can I make it or how much can I make? Instead. It is quality and quantity. We need to evaluate how good can I make it if... Read more

August 14, 2024

Last year I wrote about the coinciding of a Blue Supermoon happening in August. I thought this was a great reminder of the way the Church honors the august princess, Mirror of Justice and Morning Star, Mary. I am reminded of this again because a Blue Supermoon, which is apparently fairly rare, is happening in August again for a second consecutive year. August 19th Blue Supermoon This year’s Blue Supermoon lands on August 19th, right between the Feast of Mary’s... Read more

August 8, 2024

St. Rose of Lima, the first Saint born of the Americas, is an example of a life of sacrifice and service to those around her and to the world. As we celebrate her feast this month on August 23rd (or August 30th), how can we see her life and learn to live like her 400 years later? The Life of St. Rose It is written that Isabel Flores de Oliva was born beautiful. This is one of the reasons attributed... Read more

August 1, 2024

Eternity is a crazy concept. Feeling of Eternity When people say, “Feels like an eternity?“ what do they mean? Honestly, I don’t think many people reflect regularly on the idea of eternity and they just use the phrase to mean “a pretty long time”. For example, it feels like an eternity since I’ve had that overlap of inspiration, motivation, and time to write. Choosing the Good Initially, this lack was easily blamed on outside stressors such as moving (again), kids... Read more

May 23, 2024

Lawrence, the band, just put out a new song last month called “Guy I Used To Be”. If you haven’t heard this brother-sister duo sing with their group of best friends, then this song is a great introduction to their soulful, high-energy, musical talent. As they have been doing with several singles, they released the song followed by a creative live-ish version that shows off the real skills of their band of friends. “Guy I Used To Be” – A... Read more

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