The Quality Over Quantity Problem

The Quality Over Quantity Problem August 20, 2024

Quality Writing from Venerable Fulton Sheen’s Three to Get Married (Photo by A. Laflamme)
Quality Writing from Venerable Fulton Sheen’s Three to Get Married (Photo by A. Laflamme)

“Quality over quantity” is the common saying, as if one is better than the other. The quote implies that quality and quantity are different things. I prefer to see them as two measurements of one thing.

Quality and Quantity

The choice is not between quality or quantity. The question is not how good can I make it or how much can I make?

Instead. It is quality and quantity. We need to evaluate how good can I make it if I make how much.

Nothing Has No Quality

If we are starting with nothing, quantity is zero and quality cannot be measured.

At this point we are not concerned about making anything better. We just need to make something.

Once we have an actual product, that is when you can begin to make the choice to refine it or not.

I see how this leads one to the “or” trap. “Do I make more, or do I refine?”

But let’s think “and”.

“Can I make more, and make more better?”

By doing more, we learn more, and we can ideally make more better with practice.

Focus on Quantity with Quality

With each article I write, I hope that I am improving my ability to express thoughts clearly and creatively. Rarely do I go back and edit a past article, but instead I try to use writing to get thoughts out, clarify them, and document it. The practice improves.

Music is an interesting example, especially live music. Each time I pick up my guitar, I play new. Sure musicians and work and rework songs and recordings, but the act of actually playing the music is new each time and it is the quantity of playing that improves the quality.

The Olympics just happened, these athletes use repetition to refine their muscle memory and their strength and with each flip, throw, or step are improving quality.

Lastly, with prayer, we would never say “quality over quantity”. In this case, quantity is quality. More conversation with God will improve our relationship with Him.

Where Do You Need More Quantity?

So there may be situations where one needs to improve quality of a product, but that improvement comes through repeated action. Even a sculpture that is being carved, the craftsman is improving his sculpting abilities with each movement of his tool.

Sometimes I let the concern over quality distract me from beginning. Then I end up with nothing. instead, I should just get to it, so I have something, and so I get the repetitions in.

Whether it is work, family life, or your spiritual life, where can you practice quantity?

With that, I hope to continue writing here. Maybe I’ll be less hesitant about which ideas are quality and just get started putting ideas down.

In case you missed it, this past month I have been restarting a rhythm of writing. There’s some variety so feel free to check it out.

Eternity In The Moment: Hope In Despair W/ Vwillz & Kushner – a song analysis comparing two artists approach to hope.

St. Rose Of Lima: Reflection On Sacrifice & Service – learn a little about St. Rose before her feast later this week on August 23rd, and learn about a beautiful ministry with the homeless in Austin, TX.

Blue August Moon Reminds Us Of True Devotion To Mary – I wrote about this last year. Interesting that it is happening again so close to this time that we celebrate Mary’s feasts of the Assumption and her Queenship.

Writing on Writing – a related post to this one. A shorter post of just getting repetitions in.

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About Andrew Laflamme
Andrew is a husband and father with experience as a musician, engineer, and Catholic missionary. You can read more about the author here.
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