Hamas is a terror organization
The main aim of Hamas is the complete destruction and annihilation of the State of Israel. Any Israeli on the planet of any age is their enemy, their legitimate target and fair game.
During the 1990s and early 2000s, Hamas was responsible for numerous suicide bombings in Israel. They trained young men and women for the sole objective to intentionally enter busy public areas filled with Israeli civilians and detonate a belt or bag full of explosives and nails. The suicide bomber’s last act in human form is to rip apart bodies, kill as many Israeli Jews as possible.
Iraq’s Saddam Hussein paid $25,000 to Palestinian families whose child would strap on a suicide belt and blow themselves up. SADDAM’S GIFT TO FAMILIES OF BOMBERS
Hamas gleefully took credit for the August 2001 ‘Sbarro Massacre.’

An example of Hamas successful suicide bombing tactics:
August 9, 2001 at 2pm, a gorgeous summer’s day. Hamas mastermind, Ahlam Tamimi led her young male accomplice to a location she targeted for a suicide bombing.
The very popular and busy Sbarro Italian restaurant was located in the heart of Jerusalem on the corner of King George and Jaffa Street. The sidewalks were bustling with pedestrians, tourists and families with their kids enjoying the summer vacation.
Without a security guard at the door, the young suicide bomber, disguised as a tourist with a guitar case filled with explosives slung over his shoulder, quickly and easily entered the Sbarro Italian Restaurant.
Filled with mothers, fathers, grandparents and children, the Hamas terrorist killed 16 and wounded 130 Israeli civilians and tourists.
For a list and further information on Hamas related suicide bombings in Israel: (Wikipedia is sometimes shameless). List Hamas Suicide Bombings
How is Hamas Funded? Ask the UN, ask the EU
The United Nations is entrenched in the Palestinian territories. UN entities located in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank listed in the UNITED NATIONS PALESTINE WEBSITE are: UN Entities in Palestine
- UN-Habitat
- UN Women
UN Officials, Representatives, Diplomats and Staff Members, to safeguard their bloated salaries and ensure protection are beholding to Hamas and Hamas related terror groups.
According to the European Union Border Assistance Mission in Rafah (EUBAMF), between 1994 through 2009 the European Commission provided €4 billion (four billion EUROS) earmarked to support the Palestinian people. EU EUBAM INFO
Then as today, UN Officials readily and knowingly ignore the extensive funneling of monies that find their way into various international Hamas bank accounts.
Based in Brussels, infamously recognized as the European capitol for Arab terror organizations, is the European Union.
Through the “Office of the European Union Representative to the West Bank, Gaza and UNRWA” representatives and staff are also concerned with safeguarding bloated salaries. And those stationed in Israel and Palestine are equally beholding to Hamas. European Office, Palestine and Territories
It’s not a secret. These organizations plus a hodgepodge of international human rights organizations are fully aware of the stockpiling and movement of 1000s upon 1000s of missiles and rockets in Gaza. Weaponry, missiles, rockets and missiles launchers are housed in and around UN, EU, human rights facilities, schools, hospitals, residential areas and mosques.
It’s also no secret that Hamas is broadly funded by Iran who supplies Hamas with cement to build vast underground bunkers and tunnels, helps purchase and build guns, weaponry, missiles, missile launchers and parts needed to assemble them onsite. And it’s alleged that Iran was the mastermind behind the October 7th Massacre.
By ruling Gaza, Hamas sidetracks and receives massive funding via donor bodies located in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, UAE, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, United States and Qatar (where many of the top echelon of Hamas leadership reside in mansions).
By ruling Gaza, Hamas doesn’t take care of the Gazan civilians.
Hamas doesn’t rebuild infrastructure, new roads, playgrounds or parks. Hamas does not use the money build water and electricity facilities that will enable them to be independent of Israel. Hamas doesn’t care to create jobs for the unemployed. Israel in fact is the only country that employs Gazan civilians.
European Diplomat, Sven Kühn Von Burgsdorff
Former European Union Ambassador to the Palestinians, German born Sven Kühn Von Burgsdorff was a major critic of Israel.
Rather than representing the European Union and its members, Von Burgsdorff was considered a propaganda tool for Hamas and its terrorist narrative. Three months ago, just before completing his almost 4 year tenure, Von Burgsdorff received an award from Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority Chief for his efforts in “supporting the Palestinian people and their just struggle to achieve their freedom and independence.”
At a farewell dinner for Von Burgsdorff hosted by Palestinian Authority Prime Minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, German representative to the Palestinian Authority, Oliver Owcza tweeted that attendants unanimously praised Von Burgsdorff’s “dedication, professionalism and humanity.”
Back in Europe, after the October 7th massacred, Von Burgsdorff, during a radio interview said, “It does not matter what Hamas did.”
Von Burgsdorff even refused to condemn Hamas for the massacre and kidnapping of Israelis, tourists and foreign nationals.
Paragliding Along the Gaza Coast
As a final gesture of solidarity with the Palestinians, Von Burgsdorff publicly introduced paragliding to Hamas terrorists.
On July 16, 2023, he was the first person to ever paraglide in Gaza. Burgsdorff In The Air
Is it possible the controversial Burgsdorff, with the full knowledge and support of the EU and UN, purchased and mentored Hamas terrorists on how to fly the paraglider? One can easily surmise he smuggled paraglider equipment into Gaza through his diplomatic immunity status.
It’s reported that numerous videos filmed by Hamas in their extensive propaganda campaign show terrorists being trained in the art of the paraglider. These videos, viewed in Israel are well known to the Bibi Netanyahu government.
On October 7, 2023 at 6:30am, Hamas terrorists flew in and infiltrated Israel’s southern border by motorized paraglider
While in the air, armed with machine guns, Hamas terrorists shot at 4000 young people attending a holiday weekend ‘peace and love rave party.’
4000 young people ran for their lives.
230 plus were killed. Many raped and tortured, their bodies ripped apart.
Many are still missing and the number of those kidnapped still unclear.

- The image of Von Burgsdorff gliding over the sea along the Gaza beach is now an international symbol of solidarity with Hamas terrorists that translates into supporting the destruction of Israel.
- The image of Von Burgsdorff on his paraglider confirms it’s politically correct to rape, murder and torture Israeli Jews and their friends.
- The paraglider is now a symbol of the obligation of Hamas terrorists to bomb and burn Israeli families alive.
When the World…
When the world weeps at an injured donkey in the rubble of Gaza yet cares nothing for a pregnant woman who’s been tortured, murdered and her baby ripped out of her womb.
When feminists and international LGBTQ organizations chant ‘Intifada’ in support of Hamas over the bodies of raped women, children and men.
When colleges, institutes of higher learning and Ivy League universities are as ignorant and dumb as Dumb and Dumber…there’s a major problem.
On October 7, 2023 Hamas unleashed unfathomable inhumanity…
Hamas unleashed worldwide antisemitism and worldwide anti-Israel protests.
Hamas also unleashed deafening silence.
Israelis are in pain as they bury the dead and frantically fret over 200 hostages
Israeli politicians failed – perhaps purposely – to defend, protect and care for the left-wing, pro-peace, secular, socialist kibbutzim that line the border of Gaza. According to the 16 October, 2023 Israel War Room newsletter, Israeli forensic experts and doctors reported 80% of all bodies among the murdered were victims of rape and torture.
Prime Minister Benjamin Bibi Netanyahu and his irresponsible coalition are guilty of turning their backs on 4000 young people, turning their cold hearts against thousands of residents along the border with Gaza. They even had the unprecedented audacity to leave the unprepared scant IDF young soldiers exposed and vulnerable. And Bibi did this after receiving warning after warning. Bibi did this on a holiday weekend that coincided with the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. DID BIBI PURPOSELY SACRIFICE 1000S
And in every generation…
The holiday of Passover is the retelling of how the Hebrews were saved by God from the cruel enslavement and abuse by the Egyptians.
Passover is the story of liberation, the story of self-realization. It is a holiday of giving thanks for each and every gift and miracle bestowed upon the Hebrews by God. It is the ancient story that marks the creation of the ancient to the modern State of Israel, the Jewish homeland.
There is a prayer sung during the Passover Seder service commonly known as ‘Vehi Sheamda.’

It is the remembrance that in each and every generation some rise up to annihilate the Jews, but God, ‘Most Holy, Blessed Be He’ intervenes and delivers us out of their hands.
Here’s a link to “Vehi Sheamda” performed by Cantors Magda Kishman and Azi Schwartz at the B’nai Torah Congregation 2023 Concert Series. The video includes English transliteration and translation. Vehi Sheamda, Cantors Magda Fishman & Azi Schwartz
What else can anyone say…

Unfortunately there will be millions who have no idea what this photo represents, nor do they care.
Unfortunately there will be millions who cannot place it in any historic continuum.
Unfortunately there will be millions who do understand the Holocaust and Auschwitz. And they support terrorism and they will cheer.
to be continued….