Why Choosing a Word of the Year is Better Than Resolutions

Why Choosing a Word of the Year is Better Than Resolutions December 29, 2024

A new year is around the corner. This is the time when most people are evaluating their lives. They are deciding what they want to stop, start or change as the clock strikes midnight on December 31st. Making new year’s resolutions almost always sets us up for failure. Rather than fail within the first month of the new year, stop making resolutions and choose a word of the year instead.

Choose a Word of the Year
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New Year’s Resolution Statistics

Studies reveal only a 9% success rate when it comes to new year’s resolutions. You have to admit that percentage is pretty grim.  Most resolutions are made based on things that aren’t tangible or require a long commitment that is hard to see through to the end. (Forbes, 2024)

The most popular resolutions have to do with health. They include wanting to lose weight, eat healthy or exercise more. The problem is that most people don’t follow up with HOW they are going to accomplish their goals.

For many years I wrote down what I wanted to accomplish for the new year. I even set aside time to write it all down in my journal for the upcoming year. I put a lot of thought into what my plans were. For the first few weeks of the new year, I always did well. I stayed on task and remained focused. However, after the first month or so, something would always come up. I’d stray off my resolution path, kick myself for not sticking to it and eventually just give up. What a sure way to feel like a failure!!

Why a Word of the Year Works

Five years ago, I decided to forego resolutions and made the choice to would choose a word of the year. As a Christian, I prayed for guidance as to what the Lord had for me in the upcoming year, where I needed to focus and what I needed to work on in my life.

I based my decision on Proverbs 16:9 which says: “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” I realized then that it was God’s will that was most important and not what I thought I needed to do.

(To Read More About God’s Will, Click Here)

Choosing a Word of the Year
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Choosing a word of the year narrows your focus. For Christians who are led by the Holy Spirit this one word assists in strengthening your relationship with the Lord, keeping your focus on God – along with His promises – and promoting your spiritual growth.

Whether you are a Christian or not doesn’t matter, choose a word of the year that encompasses all of your goals and resolutions and stick to it. At least once a day read your word of the year and write down how you are going to apply your word to your life.

Also, it must be said that words have great power. Choosing a word of the year that has meaning to you can greatly impact your life in more ways than you know.

(To Learn More About the Power of Words, Click Here)

Process of Choosing a Word of the Year

I just mentioned that as a Christian I don’t just haphazardly choose a word of the year. I pray about it and ask the Lord where my focus needs to be for the upcoming year. I also ask Him to provide me with a scripture that corresponds to the word.

Last year my word of the year was “steadfast.” Although I didn’t see it at the time, this word was perfect for me. Throughout the course of 2024, I found that my faith was wavering at times. I was also questioning whether or not what I was doing was even worth my time. The scripture that accompanied my word was 1 Corinthians 15:58 which says: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

Word of the Year
Pic Created by Author in Canva – Example of Word of the Year Poster

I have to remember that the Lord always knows exactly what I need. This verse in first Corinthians was a reminder to me that I needed to stand firm and realize that everything I was doing – writing Bible studies, teaching Bible studies, writing blog posts, for example – was all for His glory.

As soon as I know what my word of the year is going to be, I create a poster and place it in my journal, hang it in my office and put a copy in my purse. I always have it at my fingertips.

Keeping my word close helps remind me what I am striving for in all situations.


Examples of Words of the Year

There are so many words that you can use for your word of the year. Below is a chart that lists 125 examples of words that can be used as your word of the year. Obviously, there are more, but if you are stuck, start here:

Achieve Enjoy Inspire New Serve
Accept Expand Integrity Nourish Simplify
Adapt Expect Intention Nurture Study
Affirm Faith Joy Obedience Strive
Arise Favor Jumpstart Observe Submit
Balance Finish Justified Obtain Sustain
Believe Flexible Kindness Outlast Tackle
Better Focus Kindle Overcome Talent
Brave Forge Know Participate Teach
Breathe Fulfilled Knowledge Passion Testify
Calm Generous Labor Patience Thrive
Clarity Gentleness Laugh Peace Transform
Committed Genuine Lead Perseverance Trust
Compassion Goodness Learn Persist Truth
Conquer Grace Live Prevail Uncover
Create Grateful Love Purpose Understand
Dedicated Happy Loyal Quality Unshakable
Deliberate Harmony Magnify Quest Uplift
Devoted Healing Maintain Quiet Validate
Discover Help Master Rejoice Victory
Discipline Hopeful Meekness Renew Vision
Embrace Humility Mellow Rest Wait
Encourage Impact Mercy Restore Waken
Endure Implement Mindful Seek Wisdom
Engage Innovate Move Selfless Yield

Don’t forget that your word of the year may serve as a reminder of not only something you want to focus on in your own life, but also how you want to impact the lives of others.


Final Thoughts

New Year’s resolutions often set us up for failure. Choosing a word of the year is a great alternative to resolutions. Rather than setting multiple goals that are often not attained, you are taking one word to narrow your focus and keep you on track for the year.   If you’ve never done so, I recommend choosing a word of the year and seeing how it works out for you.

Here’s to a Happy and Healthy New Year for all!!



I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please feel free to share your insights, experiences or questions in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

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