Yeshua’s Mission
Mission Possible!
Is the mission possible? The mission is possible if we combine the Old with the New. Yeshua’s essence, significance, and meaning are interconnected with Israel and inseparable. Christopher J.H. Wright in his book Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, explains the knowledge gleaned from the Old Testament and prepares us for the journey from promise to fulfillment. In the past, I had not made the distinction but rather viewed the Old Testament and the New Testament as separate. Sadly, I did not understand the idea of the New Testament serving as an expansion of the Old Testament.
The Old & The New
In knowing Jesus through the Old Testament, Wright provides the Nexus between the Old Testament and the New Testament regarding Yeshua. As a result, Wright accomplishes the goal through historical facts and symbolism. In years past before dedicating my life to Yeshua as a Messianic believer my theological views were not in conflict per se but receptivity to Wright’s views might not have been received well or even understood. Basically, the book caused me to think through the prisms of my Messianic faith and helped me to confirm the concept of me being grafted in as a Gentile. While the author explained the mission of the church I was left with a question. The question is as follows: How can we As Christians truly accomplish the mission of Yeshua?

Yeshua’s Leadership:
Mission Possible!
By utilizing Yeshua’s leadership example, the mission is possible. The analogy of Jesus adapting and spreading the good news with people wherever he went is an excellent example of being a missionary. Is there any better model? I think not. Yeshua had and still has the unique ability to connect with people as believers. We should follow the example Yeshua provided in terms of mission efforts. Priorities should be set before departure in the mission field. The goal is the achievement of the mission one was sent to complete. Firsthand experience is the best teacher. Knowledge, at any rate, while good is not a substitute for experience. In any relationship bonding is necessary. We must bond together.
Moving as One
As a mother bonds to her baby and the baby to her mother, we must bond to the people we are trying to reach. Become acquainted with the customs of the country where missionary work is conducted. It is paramount. As a missionary, bonding should exist in new environments continually. Be flexible as a missionary in a foreign country. Bonding as a believer with the culture in which one is working provides those seeking to belong knowledge and an open door to extend the invitation to accept Yeshua.
Equipped to Reach:
Putting on the Full Armour
Knowing the culture and language of a people is a good place to start as a missionary. This equips one with greater knowledge of how to effectively communicate with the people living in the same environment that one is trying to reach. It can be beneficial. Giving up the conveniences allows a missionary to become one with the people. Reaching out while reaching in is important. Accomplish the goal intended by the Great Commission. As shown above, the mission is possible when we combine the Old with the New.
Extending the Reach:
Moving Beyond Our Confort Zone
Avoidance of the local people is ineffectual and should not be a part of the mission process. Knowing, understanding, and participating can lead to support from the local people that one is attempting to reach. Speak the language. Speak so they can understand. Assimilation into the culture can help in reaching the goal.
What Reconciling Means
The New Testament teachings reconciled the Old Testament teachings through the words and exhortations of Yeshua. Yeshua charges us in Matthew 5:17 (CJB) . This passage speaks to the eternal aspect of the Old Testament, and Yeshua clearly states that the destruction of the law contained in the Old Testament was not his purpose but rather that fulfillment of the law is His purpose.
OT/NT in Focus
We are no longer under the law of the Old Testament principles containing the law and are now under the New Testament. Consequently, Yeshua provides this freedom in Romans 7:1-6 (CJB). Certainly, we are now free from the law regarding a new life through Yeshua. We live according to the rule of law on earth. As a result, we live according to the law but not in the law. Again, the mission is possible when we apply the Old with the New.
Moving Forward
In moving forward, apply the Old and New Testaments in your daily lives and when witnessing Yeshua. Consequently, making the mission possible. The Old Testament and the New Testament are relevant. Fulfilling the Great Commission is possible if we follow Yeshua’s lead. Follow Yeshua’s lead today. Lead! There is plenty of work in the vineyard. Go to work! Do you think the mission is impossible? Think again. The mission is very possible!