January 9, 2025

Why is Jimmy Carter so important today? Jimmy Carter was an evangelical Christian all his life.  A born-again Christian, he attended Southern Baptist churches in Plains, Georgia.  He taught Sunday School at Plains Baptist Church for decades. Unlike many Christians (today and for 2000 years), President Carter lived his faith instead of trying to use it as a weapon to criticize, threaten, belittle, and harm other people. He welcomed all people.  He lit the first Hanukkah menorah in the White... Read more

November 27, 2024

This article is a response to an experience I had last week, an experience that frightenedly showed me that our health care is largely in the hands of giant corporations. How does this play out? Health care in the U.S. has transitioned, over time,  from a system in which individual doctors and doctors in consultation made medical decisions for their patients into a system in which medical decisions are increasingly being made by health-care corporations, insurance corporations and pharmaceutical corporations.... Read more

November 12, 2024

Today, November 12, 2024, we have learned that Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion, has resigned over his personal failure to report child abuse by an Anglican priest, John Smythe. According to a report released last week, John Smyth abused more than 100 boys and young men, beginning in the 1970s. Archbishop Justin Welby failed to report Smyth to authorities when he learned of the alleged abuse after becoming the head of the... Read more

November 6, 2024

As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. (Proverbs 26:11 KJV) In ancient times, the people of YHWH turned away from Israel’s God. The Bible tells us that in the ancient times, long before the Bible itself was written, the people of YHWH were led by people known as judges.  These judges settled disputes, led military campaigns when necessary and provided religious counsel to the people. Israel asked for a king The last of... Read more

October 29, 2024

Does a Big-Box Retail Empire Have the Right to Shape Theology? The Green family of Oklahoma have apparently decided that they own the rights to the Bible. Or, at least, they seem to believe that their money can influence Bible translation and interpretation to comply with their personal family theology. And their money is working hard to accomplish their goals. What do the Green family want? David Green and his family are devout and sincere Christians.  They believe that their... Read more

October 21, 2024

“Christian nationalism” is an oxymoron and an excuse for fascists to claim that they are soldiers for God. “America First” is their gospel and their liturgy. They believe, or at least claim to believe, that The U.S. has some kind of mandate from on high that makes the U.S. better than other nations because God, himself,  has favored it with special grace and a destiny to rise and stand above all other nations in the bright light of God’s favor.... Read more

October 14, 2024

I live in Central Florida in a bedroom community serving a major metropolitan area.  I am writing in the morning of Saturday, October 12, 2024. During the nighttime hours on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, and the early morning hours of Thursday, October 10, Hurricane Milton, the strongest storm to make landfall in the Tampa/St. Petersburg/Bradenton/Sarasota area since 1921, tore through central Florida like a scythe. The damage was massive.  Flooding, tornados and 100 mph+ winds did their worst. Homes, businesses... Read more

October 8, 2024

Freemasonry is not a single organization. Freemasonry is not a religion, although it looks a lot like one. In our last article, we explored the world of Freemasonry and its many orders and organizations.  In that article, we concentrated on the Blue Lodge, the basic unit in Freemasonry. In Blue Lodge Masonry, there are three earned degrees. Entered Apprentice Fellowcraft (Fellow of the Craft) Master Mason There is no higher degree in Masonry.  There are, however, higher numbered degrees which,... Read more

October 4, 2024

Likely, you have heard of Freemasonry or Masonry, as it is often called.  You might have a Mason in your family or seen a Masonic lodge in your town. One question I often hear from non-Masons is that it is not exactly clear  whether or not Freemasonry is a religion. The author has been a Master Mason since 1976 and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason for twenty plus years. Author’s note:  Freemasonry has evolved in different ways in different... Read more

October 2, 2024

If you read the Bible daily, or weekly, or once a year or twice in your lifetime…someone taught you the skills you needed to do that. That someone was most likely a teacher. Someone taught you how to read. In a few cases, it will  be a parent or some other person but in almost every case, you were taught to read by a teacher, a professionally trained, intuitive, caring, unselfish, and generous teacher. As I have stated many times,... Read more

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