Why a Christian CAN Vote for Donald Trump – Part 4
alienation…this constant fear of an “inside” from which they
have been left “outside”… populism…a new kind of conservative Christian who was patriotic and pro-American – including capitalism – but concerned that the country was going to hell in a hand basket.
I hear Trump-haters and liberal media personalities make prejudicial statements about MAGA and Trump supporters all the time. We have been called a “basket of deplorables…racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic.” We are consistently being called “a threat to democracy.”
Trump supporters have our opinions about the other side of the aisle…we could speak out loud and call them names. Of course, if we did that our Facebook account would be shut down or our website would be “shadow-banned” by Google.
How is it that free speech is blocked by the other side…yet WE are the threat to democracy?

The opening quote above comes from a book published in 2012: Flea Market Jesus, by Arthur .
Farnsley. This is a sociological study of a small sector of “middle America:” flea market dealers who attend the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association gathering each year in Friendship, Indiana.
This is a study of people who live in “flyover America:”
Definition of “flyover America:”
…can be used as an insult to talk about states that people prefer to fly over to reach the bright lights of New York City or Los Angeles.
Farnsley informs the reader that his research and interviews of over 60 flea market dealers was actually done from around 2002-2006, well before Trump came on the scene. In fact, his interviews were done before Obama had come on the scene.
THIS is what makes Farnsley’s book interesting…and important. It reveals the reality of two Americas:
40% of Americans live in cities of 50,000+
82-86% live in metropolitan areas which would include smaller towns surrounding a larger city. [according to Google AI]
This familiar map reveals where most MAGA people live:

The red is “flyover America.”
This was the political map in 2004 when Farnsley conducted his interviews. This reflects the Presidential Election BEFORE Donald Trump or Barack Obama were candidates. Why is that important? It shows that this map, the divide we face as a nation, was not caused by Trump, Obama or any other single candidate. This map reflects a division of cultures: rural and urban.
Farnsley’s book uncovers a “feeling” deep in the gut of many people living in rural America who “feel” like:
– they do not matter
– they have been squeezed out
– they have very few options to earn a good living
In my book review of Flea Market Jesus I include a section about how middle America feels alienated by our government. Our jobs have been shipped overseas and our factories have been closed.
The MAGA Movement
Trump did not create this movement – he inherited it. And it is a growing movement. More black and hispanic people voted for Trump (the racist?) in the last election than have ever voted for a Republican candidate. That number is going to be higher in this election.
It’s not simply Trump. It could be Ron DeSantis or Ted Cruz…or Allen West, or Kari Lake.
This movement of “forgotten” Americans just want somebody to voice their frustrations…to stand up for their values. Flyover America has been waiting for somebody to slow down the erosion of our culture…of our economy…of a growing Federal government.
His Voice Reflects Flyover America
I could do without the swearing at his rallies. Public crudeness is not necessary.
But at the same time, I do not watch a Super Bowl halftime show because of the crudeness and sexuality on display. I do not listen to Rap for the same reason.
Trump, to some degree, reflects the ever-growing crudeness of our culture. But so do many Democratic politicians. Several could not stop themselves from posting crude social media comments wishing Trump had been killed by the attempts on his life…or saying that the citizens wiped out by the hurricanes deserved what they got.
Our culture is now filled with crudeness.
Trump Reflects My Political Views…FAR More than the Other Side
Trump is a man for this time. A huge percentage of Americans “feel” that he speaks for them…and I agree with them. Many times he says things that I wish he had not said…even though I agreed with his opinion or view almost 100%. He says out loud what I think in my own thoughts.
For people in “Flyover America” it is refreshing for a politician to openly and honestly speak what they think. Many people are tired of hearing politicians say what they think everyone wants to hear.
Everywhere Trump goes thousands of Americans flock to hear him. He will likely garner more votes than any person has ever had this coming election. WHY?
Because “Flyover America” finds hope in this man.
His has inspired millions of Americans to stand up and fight against an ever-encroaching government:
– parents who want to be heard at school board meetings without being arrested
– young female athletes who do not want to compete against men or have them in their locker rooms
– allowing millions of illegals to come through our borders and giving them money while our people struggle
– Christian business owners being sued because they do not want to do things that go against their values
– the EPA that wants to control ranchers and land owners with regulations to put them out of business
– pushing the “green” agenda down our throats while China continues to build coal-burning power plants
– sending billions of dollars overseas to nations who are NOT acting like allies
– failing to properly care for our veterans
– allowing tech companies to jade the “news” (remember the leaked video of Google execs promising they would never allow another conservative like Trump to be elected? You cannot find this video on Google? Shocking.)
Blue Needs to Exhibit Tolerance if the Red Side Wins
Rural blue collar, everyday Americans are tired of being called names by politicians and liberals. They see Trump as someone willing to stand up for America against “globalization,” DEI, and the Woke agenda.
Those who claim to love “democracy” need to honor the millions of Americans who vote for Donald Trump.
We endured eight years of Barack Obama.
Nobody tried to assassinate him.
No open displays of utter disrespect were allowed like Kathy Griffin holding the severed head of President Trump (if someone had done with Obama, they would have been prosecuted) or
15 Stars Who Imagined Violence Against Donald Trump.
How about the rest of the nation showing some respect to “flyover America” when millions vote for the person THEY WANT to lead the nation?
You will continue to call them “stupid”….
You will call thousands of black men and women “Uncle Tom” or a “sell out.”
People will continue to call me names and accuse me of not following Christian values.
But how about being true to your claim: “we stand for democracy?”
How about honor the fact that we are a democrat republic if your side loses a “fair” election?
Flyover Americans are tired of having the agenda of the other side shoved down their throats while they are called intolerant.
Make America Great Again is not a trope.
It is a movement of middle America hoping to live in a free nation again without being attacked constantly for not loving and embracing the agenda of the other side.