Why a Christian SHOULD Vote for Donald Trump to be President

Why a Christian SHOULD Vote for Donald Trump to be President September 3, 2024

Why a Christian SHOULD Vote for Donald Trump

A Response to:
“Christians Supporting President Trump is Hypocritical”

Iconic photo of President Trump raising a fist after being shot by a would-be assassin in Butler, PA.
WikiCommons: Cover of German paper Bild the day after the assassination attempt on Trump.

Several weeks ago a good friend called me to ask a simple question: “Why do you support Donald Trump?”

This was not the first person who singled me out wanting to know my reasons (as a Christian) for being a Trump supporter. Both of my adult daughters confronted me in 2015 with this question.

I am going to write a series giving solid reasons why a Christian can support Donald Trump to be POTUS. I want to answer the questions and attacks I have heard since the morning AFTER his first Republican debate.

First, I did not grow up in a Christian home. I grew up in a science and math family. You can read my profile to see a short biography of my life. My position is not based on some vision I have seen – it is sound reasoning. I am happy to hear your responses.

I have read 2-3 articles on patheos that inspired me. People who hate Donald Trump seem to have difficulty aligning their hatred with intellectual consistency. “Why Christians Supporting Trump is Hypocritical” by Derrick Day is the one I will begin with in this series.

“Supporting a political leader who embodies values antithetical” to Christian values” can lead to a significant moral and ethical dilemma.”
– Derrick Day

Why would any Christian listen to someone like Mr. Day who also wrote an article on Patheos titled “Why I Left Christianity and Will Never Return.” In that article he claims to be “an agnostic antitheist.” For some strange reason Mr. Day feels compelled to convince Christians (who he apparently has little respect for) to turn away from Trump. Why does he care what stupid, hypocritical Christians believe?

His article on why he left Christian faith gives me a clue. His first three reasons show me that he does not know what he is talking about. He makes historical statements that are inaccurate and ignorant – I may follow up with an article to rebut “Why I Left” but as a trained historian I will say to Mr. Day: “You should probably refrain from making historical statements when you have not done the requisite research.”

I am not directing my thoughts to Mr. Day – I want Christians to carefully listen. Mr. Day’s argument is NOTHING but ad hominem arguments [a logical debate fallacy] that are NOT unique, but need to be addressed.

Political involvement by Christians should follow our biblical convictions. However, when dealing in the realm of politics, there are many tensions one must face.    – Al Baker

The official portrait photo for President Donald Trump, the 45th POTUS
WikiCommons: The official portrait photo for President Donald Trump, the 45th POTUS

Reasons I Can Support Trump as a Christian
When I cast my vote for President of the United States
I am not voting for who should be the Pope…or a Pastor…or any other “Christian” position of leadership.

Like every other voter, I am choosing between two people/two parties.

I have to vote for the side that BEST represents my values. Nobody will ever be 100% of what I want…I am not only voting FOR something – I am also voting AGAINST the values of the other side.

Voting is Based on More Than Simply FAITH 
In 1976 I voted for Jimmy Carter – because he openly claimed to be a Christian. At 18yrs old, it was my first time to vote. I quickly regretted my vote, but my regret had NOTHING to do with religious beliefs. I voted solely on “Christian faith” and I was  politically ignorant. I later realized that I did not like Carter’s economic decisions and I did not like how he handled the Iran hostage crisis. The Biden/Harris administration is Carter 2.0.

President Clinton with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office
WikiCommons: President Clinton with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office

Voting Despite Sexual Immorality
Many complaints against Trump are very similar to those made about Bill Clinton.
Why is it that Democrats who use this as a reason to hate Trump never had a problem with Clinton? Mr. Day never mentions anything about Clinton having very similar issues that he hates in Trump.

Clinton was accused of sexual harassment AND rape. In response to this retort some of my friends have responded, “Two wrongs do not make a right.” I agree, but those who accuse Trump for his “sins” need to admit that several past Presidents had issues with women. Then we have the scandal of Warren Harding.
Logical argument allows for the use of analogy.

If you do not condemn FDR, JFK, LBJ and Clinton yet you condemn Trump – YOU are being hypocritical…OR at least not objective.

How pure must a man be for a Christian to vote for him? King David would certainly not be acceptable given this qualification. The question remains:
“How do you support such a man if you are a Christian?”

There are several things about Trump that I do not like, but I cannot vote on only 1-2 issues…and I repeat: I am not electing a man to be my pastor.

President Trump with First Lady - Trump-Vance website.
President Trump with First Lady on the Trump-Vance website with a 20 point platform agenda.

Trump Positions I Support
There are many positions that Trump stands for that ARE consistent with my Christian values. However, when I vote I am not only voting FOR something – I am also voting AGAINST the values of the other side.

  1. Abortion has always been something I have stood against. Yes, Trump once had a more pro-choice stance years ago, but now he clearly stands against reckless abortion. Trump was the first President to ever show up at the “March for Life” in D.C.
    The Democrats support the abortion industry. Enough said.
  2. Trump supports Israel as our best ally in the Middle East. There is a dangerous pro-Islam/anti-Jewish threat not only against Israel but also against the USA. The WOKE crowd at our universities (who mostly support Democrats) allow pro-Palestinian riots and attacks on Jewish students.
    Democrats do not seem serious about standing with Israel.
  3. The Support of the Police.
    Trump backs Law Enforcement, and does not want anyone defunding the police. Trump supports law and order. The BLM/Antifa riots of 2020 showed that Democrats do not support the police OR law and order.
  4. Strict Border Control.
    Trump tried his best to “build the wall” while Democrat-appointed judges kept stopping him. We are lucky if we escape the Trojan Horse Biden/Harris have allowed into our nation. Democrats have made it clear: they want an open border.
  5. Standing against Man-made Global Warming (MMGW).
    Trump stands for “drill, baby, drill.” I share this view. Biden put the brakes on our economy. He shut down drilling for the Keystone Pipeline on his first day as President.
    Most MMGW scientists will tell you that we are headed for another Ice Age – this should be openly admitted to the public. Years ago that was my challenge to MMGW advocates: “Explain the two Ice Ages that we KNOW happened” (serious global cooling…then warming…before a human burned a drop of oil.) The Democrats are in favor of ending our use of fossil fuels while China continues to build coal-burning power plants.
  6. The Second Amendment.
    Trump stands against the Democrats’ desire to trespass on the Constitution. Liberal Democrats want more gun laws. Kamala Harris has said on video that she wants a mandatory “buy back” of all assault weapons and other guns. Yet Hollywood (overwhelmingly progressive Democrats) makes movies with gun violence every…single…year. AND…many Democratic leaders travel with armed body guards. Democrats are hypocritical when it comes to the 2nd Amendment.
  7. Standing against WOKE and DEI Policy.
    Trump is against WOKE when it comes to free speech, multi-gender madness, doxing and DEI. Democrats push this stuff down our throats. They claim to be tolerant – yet they have no tolerance for those who disagree with them. Their approach is to force us, with laws, to agree with them…or you are a bigot…or a racist…or fill in the blank of name calling.
    I not ONLY support Trump on this issue: I no longer watch the NBA, PGA, NCAA,
    the Olympics…and I could go on…
    As a Christian, I cannot and will not support the WOKE or DEI movement.

I quickly listed 7 reasons why I support Trump over the Democrats.

Mr. Day’s Argument from the Biblical Text is Ridiculous – (you know, the Bible that He Apparently Rejects)

Mr. Day uses the seven-deadly sins to convict Trump.

Pride. Mr. Day, pointing out another person’s “sins” is a deadly game. Here is a good
non-biblical wisdom saying for Mr. Day:
“Do not throw rocks when you live in a glass house.”

Obama came across as arrogant to many Americans. Bill Clinton was certainly prideful. I think ANYONE who wants to be the POTUS has a sense of self-confidence that others (especially those who disagree with their views) will see as pride.

Greed.  How is it that ALL career politicians somehow become millionaires? Does Mr. Day remember the photos of Nancy Pelosi in front of her $24k ice cream freezer? Has Day seen the Obama $12M mansion in Martha’s Vineyard? Politicians get wealthy from political donors. At least Trump made his money doing business.

Wrath. Mr. Day’s argument is just silly. Trump’s language “has fueled division?” Mr. Day is probably too young to remember the DNC riots in Chicago, 1968? How about the Rodney King riots in 1992? What about “Burn this b*t#h down” in Ferguson, 2014?

All of this was prior to Trump being a politician. This idea is constantly brought up – Trump caused our division?  That is a red herring and plainly ignorant. This will be the topic of my next article.

Envy. Really? Trump is envious? That is simply stupid on it’s face.

Lust. I guess Mr. Day is unaware that secret service agents actually helped to escort women to JFK. Clinton’s aids helped him as well. But you also have Warren Harding, FDR, JFK and LBJ. Many US Presidents have had sexual scandals.
I am not a fan of these scandals and adulteries, but power corrupts. The dalliances of Trump came prior to becoming POTUS. The same cannot be said for poor Clinton goofing off in the Oval Office while on a call with a foreign leader! Remember the blue dress?
“It depends on what the meaning of is is.” If you do not know what that means – Google it.

Gluttony.  Mr. Day is grasping at straws. Remember SNL and their making fun of Clinton stopping by McDonald’s while on a jog?

Sloth.  Really? Again, just plain stupid.

My Message to Derrick Day
I think Mr. Day just hates Trump. Fine.
Orange man bad.” I get it.

My message to him:
“Learn how to argue.
Your article sounds like an angry man (wrath)
who does not like someone else being successful (envy),
and cannot produce a solid argument so you resort to a big piece of ad hominem cake…with a cherry of judgment on top. Congratulations!

In future articles I plan to explain more of why/how I can support Donald Trump to be the POTUS.

Next article: “Did Donald J. Trump Produce Our Division?”
Stay tuned.

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