January 19, 2025

A social media trend called “Trad Wife,” or traditional wife has been met with some praise but backlash as well. The phrase Trad Wife is a way of life in which women adopt conventional Christian inspired gender roles in marriage. This role could include frequently doing housework, raising children, and providing for their families as their top priority. To be clear, the idea of the trad wife is that she is the homemaker. There may or may not be children... Read more

December 4, 2024

In Hollywood, there is always a new scandal. Whether a rapper turns out to be a notorious molester or a producer turns out to be a rapist. In the political arena, there is continual controversy on nearly a daily basis. Public schools are also becoming a haven for trouble. Whether the story is about an intoxicated teacher or a mass shooting. Some people make look to religious houses for something more untainted. However, is this even possible at this point?... Read more

October 4, 2024

The world seems to get more chaotic by the day. The Amish Christian community however may find themselves largely unaffected. The Amish have often been subject to mockery in the media, such as the Weird Al Yankovic music video ‘Amish Paradise’. However, they may end up better off than many of us. Quiet Living. To be clear, The Amish are a Christian group known for their simple living and plain dress. They are typically reluctant to adopt modern conveniences. Their... Read more

July 20, 2024

There are large amounts of conspiracy theories going on currently in our society. It seems various mistrust in government entities, and a supposed ‘Deep State’ came to an increase during the COVID Pandemic. Since then, there has been more rhetoric than ever on suspicions over the moon landing, the 9/11 attacks, and World War II etc. So, have you heard the one about Catholics being watched by the FBI? Initially, this too may sound like only a theory. Unfortunately for... Read more

May 3, 2024

People that suffer from psychopathy or sociopathic personalities often end up committing crimes, hurting others and themselves. If these conditions, however, are mental health diseases then it would be implied that the individuals cannot help their personalities and therefore cannot help their actions. If this is truly the case, is there a heaven for these individuals? The Iceman. Richard Kuklinski, also known as the Iceman, was a notorious serial killer convicted for his crimes and sentenced to multiple life sentences.... Read more

April 7, 2024

Exorcisms are often portrayed in film and in the media to be freak events. There are differing opinions as to whether the act may or may not be real. The narrative often appears horrifying to witness in film, nonetheless. From the films The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Exorcist, and Constantine, exorcisms have been interpreted in very gruesome ways. As a result, it is possible that the narrative of exorcisms may prevent people from taking it seriously. To be clear,... Read more

February 28, 2024

Anyone who has glanced at religious news in the past few years can see that religious discrimination has increased heavily. Specifically, attacks on those of Christian based faiths have become a growing human rights problem.  In America, we are supposed to have our freedom of religion. There are other countries around the world that are supposed do as well. However, Christians are the main religious group attacked in our country and around the world consistently. It is more unsafe than... Read more

January 12, 2024

Jewish people are an ethnic and religious group that originated in the Middle East over 3,500 years ago. They are generally viewed as individuals who follow the Jewish faith and/or are descendants of other Jewish people. Judaism happens to be one of the oldest religions in the world! However, Jewish people have also faced persecution and discrimination throughout history, most notably during the Holocaust. In the present day, society seems to have regressed back into having a biased resentment towards... Read more

November 25, 2023

There is a common belief or stereotype that inmates who are atheist or agnostic will likely ‘get religion’ while incarcerated. Particularly for those serving their time on Death Row. This refers to the phenomenon of inmates on death row turning to religion to cope with their impending execution. Many inmates find solace in their faith and use it as a source of strength and hope. Some also view it to seek forgiveness and make peace with their past actions. This... Read more

October 18, 2023

The role religion used to play in schools has not only gotten smaller over the years, but it is now the source of prejudice. Students in public schools are regularly reprimanded in some way or another for expressing their personal beliefs. The freedom of religion in first world countries seems to be slowly dying. People can now be openly discriminated against in public schools, social media and the workplace. Anywhere there are extreme woke ideologies religion seems unable to coexist.... Read more

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