I used to want to be the President of the United States. That’s right top level leadership!

I’ve always had lofty dreams, leadership ideas and big goals. I’m ambitious and driven and like to be in charge. I don’t fit the normal mold of expectations for women, and I have always believed everything is figure-out-able. (I know it’s not really a word, but I like it.)
What about you?
If you are here reading a blog on Christian Women Leading Well, I imagine that you find yourself wired similarly. Or maybe you are just curious about those of us who march to the beat of a different drum!
The thing is I don’t think I even want to be president anymore. Today’s climate is rough. As a conservative and follower of Christ, I already have an estimated half of today’s society against me because of my beliefs and values. The other half will hit because of a variety of things – not theologically sound, not conservative enough, not a man, etc.
I said it.
Today the conversation on women in leadership runs the gamut. I’m never surprised by the things coming from my left, but I am increasingly surprised by much of what I see on my right. While I understand the conversation can be challenging within the walls of the church, I am also seeing this conversation spilling over into areas of everyday life – outside of church walls.
So, I hope that we can discuss here the challenges of women leading well.
Why do women even want to lead?
The truth is that God has created us with many talents and abilities. Some of us are hardwired to lead.
How do I know this?
I often walk into a planning meeting, with resolve to just be a participant, and I leave the meeting in some position of leadership. I have no idea how it occurs; it just does. I can’t help myself. I have ideas for how to do things and I can’t hold them in when others are struggling.
Why did God create me to desire leadership?
I have learned to understand that God has gifted me in this way on purpose. My goal is to live out this purpose in the best way I can, bringing Him glory and serving Him with every ounce of my being. As a creative this has shown itself in a myriad of ways. Through my music performance and composition, through my writing with books and blogs, through my teaching and speaking as I encourage others to chase Jesus with all their hearts. Now as a publisher, I work to bring others words to the forefront and help them get their message out and make an impact.
Of equal importance, I’ve also sought to do this in loving my family well. I live out my calling in my home with my husband who supports my endeavors and for many years in being home with my children and ultimately through homeschooling. I’ve seen it all as living out my calling and leading inside and outside the walls of my home.
As we explore leading well over the coming weeks, I hope to address a few different things and I look forward to your feedback.
I want to address
- the isolation of leadership and the inherent loneliness one finds in this arena.
- the pitfalls of leadership and what we face when we are leading.
- leading not just in business, but also in our homes, in our churches, and in our communities.
Ultimately women’s roles are an important facet of our society. We do a disservice in elevating or denying them disproportionately. Leading well looks different for each woman and being a believer who loves Jesus means that we should look different while leading.
Having honest discussions is my goal and I hope you’ll join me for them.