As an adolescent member of a local Baptist church, I remember singing the words to a song often sung throughout the community, “Lift Him up above the stars above the Jupiter and Mars.” The choir director would smack her hands together and lift them into the sky like a morning dove as she exclaimed, “louder.” The song was written with such distinction; requiring the singers to elevate their pitch. We committed to making a joyful noise even though many of us had little singing experience, the result was a harmonious modulation of music designed to show our Lord and Savior our appreciation.
Competitive Advantage
Symbolically, marketing our faith-based ministries to the public is similar. We often serve on marketing committees with little experience but much desire to glorify God and heighten the awareness of our agencies to a lost world. As we come together, despite our differing backgrounds, race, and work-related experiences, we can collaborate to establish reasonable marketing strategies that help to win souls and gain new customers. Faith-based marketing requires a framework that enables men, women, and laypersons to prove an organization’s competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is the difference from one organization to another. It shows distinction. For example, some organizations have programs specifically for college students while others might be dedicated to prisoner re-entry. Competitive advantage shows what an agency does best. Who is your organization tailored to? Who is the audience? Is your organization designed to prevent domestic abuse. Does it consist of baby boomers or just millennials? You might choose door to door sales, social media, or even billboards to bring recognition to your organization. The marketing tool that you use must align with the audience.
Market Research
Before determining your marketing strategy, market research is essential. Marketing research is a vital component of marketing, especially to those organizations that seek to conquer the

societal ails plaguing their demographic area. A multitude of organizations operate homeless shelters, domestic abuse prevention centers, and even Christian schools. Understanding the values, lifestyles, and interests of those currently utilizing these services can lead to an increase in new participants. Market research requires collecting and analyzing critical information so that organizations can understand their target markets and help to solve their problems. Through focus groups and even surveys, leaders can learn to understand the pressing issues that impact certain communities.
According to some scholars, the roots of marketing research can be traced to the book of Numbers, Chapter 13. In this chapter, Moses sent the Twelve Spies to evaluate the Land of Canaan for 40 days and analyze the characteristics of the people. Ten of those spies looked at the charge from a human perspective, afraid to conquer the land, thus evoking fear in the hearts of men. Clearly, the tribe used the marketing research process still used today which consists of identifying a problem, research, data collection, data analysis, and reporting. However, they lacked the knowledge and assurance that they could do all things through Christ who strengthens them. Unfortunately, many present-day marketing professionals still lack the persistence needed to accomplish their goals with integrity and without fear. We must study to show ourselves approved (II Timothy 2:15, KJV) and believe that all things are possible with Christ. (Luke 1:37, KJV).
The websites below contain several resources to assist with your marketing research strategies:
How to Conduct Marketing Research for Startups
19 Market Research Tools You Should Be Using