Ever feel like your Christian growth isn’t happening fast enough? You’re not alone but don’t give up. Instead, try this.

Years ago, a business mentor warned, “Teresa, we’re running a marathon, not a sprint.” I took his advice seriously and he reminded me of when I had run the Disney 26.2 mile Marathon in 2000. About 10 years prior to our conversation.
Yes, that’s me in the photo 24 years ago. After his advice, I reflected on my marathon training and the principles that still apply today to every area of life and especially our Christian growth.
It took me a while to realize I was snacking on scripture sporadically expecting satisfaction from a full course meal. Over and over, I heard mature Christians talking about the journey and not a destination.
Once again, reflecting on my marathon training, I realized the pursuit of the finish line was more impactful than crossing over the line. Yes, the split second achievement felt incredible but the lessons learned from a year of daily action impact a lifetime.
When you’re facing impatience with your Christian growth journey, try this. Adopt a marathon mindset for our walk with God. He already knows the journey is long but the rewards are delivered along the way.
A Marathon Mindset Understands…
1. Sustainable growth comes from establishing a long-term vision, roadmap with goals, and defined milestones to achieve them. Establish a dedicated time each day for quiet time with God, bible reading and prayer. Not until we commit to the basic process will we see tangible results.
2. Diligent and disciplined daily tasks aligned with goals builds the vision. Consistency is a key to success. However, when you skip a day of bible reading or other activity, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, start over the next day with a clean slate without any guilt or shame. God is not keeping score but He wants to partner with serious believers.
3. A balanced lifestyle and realistic work schedule are required to ensure optimal relationships and health while avoiding burnout. When we take on too much too quickly, we tend to fall short. Design a realistic Christian growth plan with small steps and goals. You can always add on more later.
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4. The same applies to Christian growth that get rich quick schemes never last. Marathons get the gold. This mindset celebrates milestones to acknowledge quick-wins along the journey.
5. Sprinting causes a lack of planning and ineffective approaches. Pushing for a destination instead of embracing a Christian growth journey creates lack of focus and lower quality.
6. A committed team will reach the dream. With Christian growth, it’s important to surround yourself with a positive team of growing and mature believers. When biblical questions arise or you need someone to pray with you, a group is critical. Some folks report an increase in commitment by establishing an accountability partner. Enlist someone to check-in on your progress and needs throughout your journey.
7. Mentors make a big difference. Find a mature Christian who can go deeper with you on the journey. An advisor to answer questions and help you with resources to enhance your Christian growth. Many churches help match mentors with mentees or ask a trusted friend for a reference.
BONUS TIP: Early in my marathon training, I remember hitting a brick wall at 6 miles. I couldn’t get beyond the milestone. Instead of giving up, I sought help from experienced marathon runners who advised using a heart rate monitor and slowing down until I pushed through.
The heart rate monitor revealed my abnormally elevated heart rate. This led to cardiologists who advised the best course of action to continue running. Without a great team, I wouldn’t have completed the marathon. For guidance and direction, schedule a free consultation with me. I’m happy to help.
Whether you’re building a family, business, career, or a healthy body, adopting a marathon mindset will not only bring success it offers a more joyful way to live.
Perhaps I’ll run another marathon in 2025, but one thing for certain, I will continue embracing my Christian growth journey as a marathon and not a sprint.