As a follower of Jesus, do you wonder what type of disciple you are, or which one of the twelve disciples you most resemble? Examine the distinct characteristics of each of His core disciples and take a short quiz to reveal your closest affinity.

The Twelve Disciples
In the dusty streets of Galilee, twelve men walked with a teacher who spoke of love, truth, and the heavenly Father’s way of life. Known as Jesus’s disciples, these men came from differing backgrounds with distinct personalities and traits. Among them were fishermen, tax collectors, doctors, and zealots, each with their different strengths and weaknesses.
Throughout their journey with Jesus, their distinct qualities emerged, defining their roles in the unfolding of the greatest story ever told. Today, we can learn much about ourselves by reflecting on which disciple we most resemble.
Peter: The Rock
Peter, originally named Simon, was a fisherman by trade. He was bold, impulsive, and often spoke before thinking. Despite his flaws, Jesus saw potential in him, renaming him Peter, meaning “rock,” and stating he would be the foundation of the Church. Peter’s courage and passion made him a natural leader, despite denying Jesus three times.
Andrew: The Connector
Andrew, Peter’s brother, was also a fisherman. He is known for his ability to connect people to Jesus. Andrew introduced Peter to Jesus and later brought the boy with the loaves and fishes to Him. He had a quiet but effective way of working in the background, making connections that had a lasting impact.
James: The Zealous
James, the son of Zebedee, was known for his fiery temperament and zeal. He and his brother John were nicknamed “Sons of Thunder” by Jesus, likely because of their passionate nature. James’s enthusiasm and dedication to Jesus’s mission were unshakable, and he was one of the first disciples to be martyred for his faith.
John: The Beloved
John, James’s brother, was known as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He had a deep, intimate relationship with Jesus and was often found close beside Him. John’s writings reveal a gentle and loving demeanor, and it is commonly believed that he cared for Mary, Jesus’s mother, after the crucifixion.
Philip: The Pragmatic
Philip was practical and analytical. He questioned how they could feed the five thousand, focusing on the logistics of the situation. Despite his pragmatic nature, he was deeply devoted to Jesus and sought to understand His teachings, often acting as a bridge for others to meet Jesus.
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Bartholomew (Nathanael): The Skeptic
Bartholomew, also known as Nathanael, initially doubted Jesus, famously asking, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” However, upon meeting Jesus, his skepticism turned to faith. Bartholomew was honest and straightforward, traits that Jesus appreciated.
Matthew: The Redeemed
Matthew, a tax collector, was considered a sinner by his contemporaries. Yet, Jesus called him to be a disciple, showcasing His message of redemption and forgiveness. Matthew’s background as a tax collector made him meticulous and detail-oriented, traits that are reflected in his Gospel.
Thomas: The Doubter
Thomas is often remembered as “Doubting Thomas” because he questioned Jesus’s resurrection until he saw Him with his own eyes. However, Thomas’s doubt turned to sincere faith once he encountered the risen Christ, illustrating that questioning can lead to deeper understanding and belief.
James the Less: The Humble
James the Less, also known as James, son of Alphaeus, is one of the more obscure disciples. Little is known about him, but his humility and lack of prestige show that faithfulness and dedication do not always require being in the spotlight.
Simon the Zealot: The Passionate
Simon was a member of the Zealots, a political movement seeking to overthrow Roman rule. His fiery passion was redirected towards Jesus’s mission, illustrating how zeal for a cause can be transformed into zeal for faith.
Thaddeus (Jude): The Inquisitive
Thaddeus, also known as Jude, was known for his questions. He asked Jesus why He would reveal Himself to the disciples, but not to the world. Thaddeus’s inquisitive nature demonstrates that seeking answers is an important aspect of faith.
Judas Iscariot: The Betrayer
Judas Iscariot is infamous for betraying Jesus in exchange for thirty pieces of silver. Despite his proximity to Jesus, he allowed greed and disillusionment to lead him astray. Judas’s story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of letting personal desires override our faith and loyalty to God.
Conclusion: Reflecting on Our Own Journey
The disciples were ordinary men with an extraordinary mission. Their stories remind us that Jesus calls us as we are. Reflecting on which disciple we most resemble can provide insights into our own faith journey. Are we bold like Peter, skeptical like Bartholomew, or passionate like Simon the Zealot? By identifying with a disciple, we can better understand our own strengths and areas for growth, drawing closer to fulfilling our own unique roles in the greatest story ever told.
For fun, take a 30 sec. quiz to reveal which disciple you most resemble…
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