Submitting to Husbands? Ephesians with Dr. Lynn Cohick

Submitting to Husbands? Ephesians with Dr. Lynn Cohick September 17, 2024

Author of New International Commentary on the New Testament: Ephesians

The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians is filled with excellent teachings to guide us theologically and practically.

We have invited Lynn H. Cohick, PhD, to discuss Ephesians based on her new commentary in the New International Commentary on the New Testament (Eerdmans, 2020).

Scroll down to learn more about Dr. Lynn Cohick.

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Dr. Lynn H. Cohick

Dr. Cohick is Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Director of Houston Theological Seminary at Houston Christian University. She has been the provost at two seminaries, taught at Wheaton College for eighteen years, and taught at Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology.

She is President of the Institute of Biblical Research (IBR), is senior translator on the New Living Translation of the Bible, and serves on the Board of Trustees at Biola University. Dr. Cohick is also the founder and President of Center for Women in Leadership, a principal of the Visual Museum of Women in Christianity.

She is also the host of The Alabaster Jar podcast, on which she and her co-hosts discuss issues impacting women at the intersection of faith, theology, and ministry.

You can purchase Dr. Lynn Cohick’s books from independent booksellers Byron and Beth Borger at Hearts & Minds Bookstore. Order online through their secure server or call 717-246-333. Mention that you heard about this book on the Reintegrate Podcast and get 20% off.

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Your hosts are Dr. Bob Robinson and David Loughney.

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