Author of “Women, Work, and Calling”
Here at Reintegrate, we believe that through your day-to-day work, you are on the frontlines of ministry, serving others – your customers or clients, your suppliers, your co-workers, and the community in which you work.
Women now have professional opportunities beyond those of previous generations. But sadly, as women have seen their roles grow at work, the church’s vision for women’s work and calling has not grown along with it. This has left women feeling isolated and under-resourced.
In this episode, we talk with Joanna Meyer, author of Women, Work, and Calling: Step into Your Place in God’s World (InterVarsity Press, 2023). Joanna Meyer is the Director of Public Engagement and the Executive Director of Women, Work, and Calling at the Denver Institute for Faith & Work. She also is the host of The Faith & Work Podcast. Prior to her work there, Joanna worked in global telecom, nonprofit consulting, and campus ministry. She has her Master of Arts in Social Entrepreneurship from Bakke Graduate University.
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On this Episode
In our discussion with Joanna Meyer, she addresses multiple tensions that Christian women face – between home and work and between the great gifts that they have and the limiting beliefs that hold them back from providing their workplaces with the fullness of those gifts. All the while having to navigate the complex and sometimes difficult gender dynamics in the workplace. She offers great advice for both women and the men who work and live with them!

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Your hosts are Dr. Bob Robinson and David Loughney.
Go to for the latest articles on reintegrating your callings with God’s mission and online resources for further learning. You can also find out about a Bible study book that you can use in your small group or individual devotions: Reintegrate Your Vocation with God’s Mission.
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