The Satanic Temple Presents “The After School Satan Club

The Satanic Temple Presents “The After School Satan Club April 8, 2024

“This isn’t your grandmother’s afterschool program.”

If the Satanic Temple fighting for abortion access wasn’t enough to fill your cup, then fighting for their “religious freedom” in the school system – will.

Listen up! The Satanic Temple is fighting for their “religious freedom” in the school system by launching “The After School Satan Club” for kids aged 5-12. This club aims to help children think scientifically, rationalize, and create.

The Director of the Satanic Temple’s Ministry, Penemue Grigori, believes that chaplains from all religions, including Satanism, should not face discrimination based on their religious expression. Grigori clarified that their ministry is committed to supporting the community alongside other religions. There’s no denying that this isn’t your grandma’s afterschool program!

The Satanic Temple has started five clubs in the USA and alleges they won’t propose “The After School Satan Club” to schools without existing religious groups. The launch of after-school clubs by The Satanic Temple has raised concerns among parents at a school in Tennessee that allowed the Satanic Temple to conduct a School Program.

One parent who wants to remain anonymous said, “My kid won’t be attending, and I hope other mothers and fathers out there will be mindful before allowing their children to participate,” the parent added. “We’re better than this – as a group, as a community, and hopefully as a school.”

“The Temple and its spokesperson, Lucien Greaves, promote compassion and empathy, but their association with Satanism is often seen as contradictory. I have encountered Satanists in the past, but have not witnessed any signs of sincerity, compassion or empathy from them. Their behavior, including the use of sacrilegious symbols and blasphemous language, reveals their true nature.”

The actions of The Satanic Temple in the name of Christianity are despicable and unnecessary. If they aim to fight for their religious freedoms and work alongside other faiths, they must demonstrate dignity and respect rather than inciting anger or concern with their blasphemous and foolish behavior.


James 3:13 ESV 

Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.

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